Chapter One.

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I knock my fists against the door, pleading for someone to answer.

When the door unlocks and my best friend pulls it open, I fling myself onto her and then collapse onto the floor.

"Woah, Why are you here? It so late!" She asks, her arms crossed and eyebrows raised.

"Mum kicked me out." I pant, since I ran here and am currently out of breath. "It was the last straw and I blew it." I think about it then give her a cheeky grin.

She slaps my wrists and pulls me in to the warmth of her house.

"You can stay here tonight but just be lucky my parents ain't awake yet." She rolls her eyes and I thank her. "I will give them an explanation in the morning." She adds.

I nod and stumble into the living room, collapsing onto the couch after. I hear her run up the stairs and then my phone vibrates from underneath me.

ONE MESSAGE FROM (JACK <3): You get home safe? xx

Yeah Thank You For Checking xx

ONE MESSAGE FROM (JACK <3): I care for you Babe :p xx

ONE MESSAGE TO (JACK <3): Good Then Let Me Sleep :D xx

ONE MESSAGE FROM (JACK <3): Goodnight Baby Girl xx

I smile to myself then fall asleep.

I wake up to faint whispering and giggling.

"She is curled up like a panda." Someone says. I feel something poke me and I groan and turn away.

"Why is she here?" A male voice mumbles and another person sighs.

"Mum let me explain." That is defiantly Bailey. Her voice fades as she explains what happened.

I feel someone poke me and I open my eyes slowly to see her little brother, Freddie, hovering over me and staring down at me as I sleep.

"She's awake!!" He calls.

I flinch and put my vision to focus whilst scrambling up to a sitting position.

I search the room and see Bailey's older brother, Ash, watching me. He looks away when I catch his eye. I then remember how bad I look in the morning and I cringe in embarrassment.

I get up and make my way to the bathroom, accidentally knocking into an angry Mrs Daymond on the way.

She normally loves me but since I turned up at her house as an unexpected visitor and slept on her couch, she may not like me so much any more. I don't know what's so bad about it anyway.

"I'm sorry." I quickly apologize. "My mum kicked me out the house and I really needed somewhere to sleep. I will try and find someone else to take me in whilst I attempt to fix things up with my mum. Just don't be angry. Please." I give a sweet smile and she sighs.

"I'm not angry, Just surprised." She places her hand on my shoulder and shrugs. "It's not everyday that someone appears on our doorstep asking to stay."

I laugh.

"I'm not that average everyday 'someone'." I beam at her and she laughs.

"I guess I know you enough to let you stay." She tells me. "So if you don't sort things out with your mum today then feel free to stay over again tonight."

I sigh in relief. "Thank You So Much."

"No problem." She gives me a warm hearted smile then pushes Freddie up the stairs to get ready for school before I head upstairs to get ready myself.

Bailey offers me a spare toothbrush and I brush my teeth then use some of her makeup, obviously wearing the same clothes as yesterday.

"What did my mum say?" She asks me whilst I apply some mascara to my eyelashes.

"That I might be able to stay again tonight." I grin.

"What are you going to do about your mum?"

I shrug.

"Well she said it was the last straw and she sounded pretty serious. I mean, she has had enough of my tricks." I place the mascara bottle on the desk then take a lip balm from her make up bag. "Talk to her maybe? I will see how that goes."

She laughs the nods. "Good luck. I will walk home without you then and you can drop by if she denies your apology."

I frown and press my lips together. "She probably will, If I'm being honest."


School is boring, as always. I try not to get any detentions because that is what got me landed with this problem in the first place.

"Hey Babe." Jack wraps his arm around my waist and kisses the back of my neck. "Last night was fun, Huh."

He spins me round then presses his lips softly against mine.

"Yeah." I smile against his lips then pull away, remembering how we are in a public school.

I give him a huge smile and pull him towards my locker so I can fetch some books.

"You coming out again today?" He asks me, leaning against the other lockers.

"Unfortunately not." I frown then pull my maths and science book out and into my arms.

"Why not?" He raises and eyebrow.

"I have been grounded. For sneaking out last night, You know." I hide then truth in case he asks me to stay round his. To be honest, I'm not ready for that.

"Damn, You got caught." His eyes widen and I nod.

"Yep." I shrug and start walking to first lesson.

"How long you grounded for?"

"I dunno. Going to have to ask." The bell rings and I give him a kiss before we go our desperate ways.

I adore Jack but sometimes I just cant tell him the truth.


After school I make my way home, practising what I'm going to say then realizing how cheesy it sounds and forgetting bout it.

When I knock on the door, My mum opens it and kisses her teeth.

"I want to apologize." I shift my feet on the floor. "I know I'm badly behaved and I know its wrong but I need a place to live so please forgive me."

My mum frowns and start to shut the door on me.

What did I do wrong?

I put my foot there to stop it and push it open.

"Wait wait, What did I say?" I object.

"You never learn. You're going to keep making the same mistakes over and over again and I can't deal with it anymore. Not alone." She tells me.

"But where do I sleep!? I'm going to become a hobo!!" I exclaim.

"Mrs Daymond called me. She told me how you slept there last night and how if its that difficult for me then you can stay there again until I decide if I forgive you or not." She tells me.

I grunt and kick the door.

"It's nice to know someone cares!" I snap, then I storm off throwing the finger over my shoulder.

My anger just gets the worst of me.


How is it? I really like this idea of a book and I can't wait to carry on. Please tell me if there are any mistakes that you see in this chapter or any others. Thank you <3

1.) What do you think about Mackenzie?
2.) Are you exited for the second chapter?

- MelanieD_

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