Chapter 15: Superheros

Start from the beginning

You had been in your room, picking out a new book, when suddenly an alarm went off.

It was not the kind that made you think the building was on fire, it was more like the alerts you would get on your phone if something important happened.

You quickly left your room to investigate, running down the stairs to the common room to find everyone gathered.

"Good kid, you're here! Hero duty calls so the whole team is heading out" Tony said, already in his Iron Man suit. The others were also suited up in their uniforms and costumes. He pointed to Loki, Wanda, Pietro, Vis, and Peter "Except you guys, you are staying behind"

Peter was the loudest to complain, and you were a bit shocked at that. Did Peter normally go on missions with the others? He was not even 18 yet! You honestly thought he was Tony's nephew or something and that was why he was here, not that he too was a superhero.

Wanda and Pietro just shrugged, already seeming to make plans for staying home.

Vis and Loki looked at each other, you figured they were supposed to be the adults of this evening until Tony said your name. "You and Vision are in charge"

You gasped surprised. What? He could not be serious! You got why Peter was not in charge, but why you?! Even the twins were older than you!

You didn't even get to ask before Tony gave you the answer. "You think I'm gonna let the god of mischief be in charge? Or the wonder twins? I would like the Tower to still be standing when I get back, thank you!"

Loki just rolled his eyes, giving a shrug that told you Tony was most likely right to assume leaving him in charge was not a good idea. He walked over to his brother's side.

You had noticed the others on the team seemed wary of Loki, but didn't yet know why. You suspected in the start it was because of his title as the god of mischief, him pulling a lot of pranks and stuff, and while you did quickly find that to be true, it seemed there was something more.

The twins too didn't seem offended that they would not be in charge, they were already searching for snacks in the kitchen.

You gave Vis a look, making it clear you were not confident in yourself "I think you have to be the main person in charge" You told him honestly, looking down "I'm not really good at that stuff"

"That is okay," Vis told you "I can handle it, but I would appreciate your help"

You gave him a smile at that "I'll try my best!"

The alarm had turned off and the group did not seem in a big hurry, still talking and planning out stuff.

You noticed some of the stuff they had left around the room and figured you help them gather it before they left. You see them go on odd jobs now and then, so you knew what they needed when going out.

You hear Nat mention needing to take the jet, so you grabbed the keys from the counter, she showed you the group jet before so you knew which keys to grab.

You noticed Clind had left his quiver on the couch and grabbed that too, there were currently no arrows in it, so you just put it over your shoulder while you walked.

And lastly, you grabbed one of the weapons that were just laying on the table, you knew who it belonged to. It was not sharp so you were not worried about hurting yourself with it, and it was always being thrown around so you were not worried about the weight either.

You turn and walk back to the group, keys in one hand, weapon in the other, and quiver over your shoulder.

Nat was the first to notice, you saw the surprised look on her face, but then a smirk crossed her features and she turned her head to look at the Asgardian brothers "Thor are you alright?" She said, putting a hand up to her lips like she was hiding a giggle.

That confused you, you looked at the brothers too, but they were not watching you.

Thor turned to look at Nat, smiling at her "Yes, why?"

Tony then was the next person to notice you. His expression looked confused as if you did something impossible. "Wait a second..." He then turned to Thor with a slight smile "I think you dropped something, big guy"

You had a sinking feeling maybe you did something wrong, but Steve gave you a surprised and somewhat proud smirk.

Thor looked confused and then finally turned to look at you, the smile he always wore fading away slowly as he looked at you... And slowly turned to look at his brother, his eyebrows raised so high they almost touched his hairline.

Loki had noticed you and had turned to look at his brother at the same time, they made eye contact and his mouth was open in confusion, his brows pulled together as he turned back to you, and then the biggest grin you have ever seen on his face broke out, a Cheshire cat-like grin as he did a soft finger wag in your direction. "This is my new favorite day"

"WHOOOAH!" You heard Peter gasp. He looked at you, staring open-mouthed and you were starting to freak out! What did you do?!

Bruce looked just as confused as you, but in a way that you were the one confusing him, and he looked a bit skittish as he pointed at you and looked at Thor "She has your hammer"

You look down at the oversized hammer in your hand "Sorry was I not supposed to touch it?" You look up in a panic "Should I put it back down?"

Thor just looked more shocked and confused, giving you a "WHAT?!" And you started freaking out even more.

Sam was even holding his hands up and pointing at the hammer and looking around himself "Ok, everyone, what in the what?!"

But everyone else was just staring at you in shock, all having a look of amazement in their eyes. Like you had just lifted a house over your head rather than one hammer.

Vis walked over to you "Mind if I borrow that" He said with a proud smirk too, and you gladly gave the hammer to him, worried it might electrocute you or something!

He brought it over to Thor, who was still looking so shocked and clung to it like you might have tried to steal it from him.

Clint just burst out laughing. "BWAHAHAHAHA" He was holding his stomach and pointing at the poor guy "THOR'S FACE!" He was clapping his hands together with laughter and gabbing yours to shake while he took his quiver and the keys from you.

You were beet red in the face by this point, just horribly confused!

Loki walked over to you, placing a hand on your shoulder and leaning down to whisper in your ear. "I'll explain when they are gone" 

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