Drained beginning

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If you found this story and don't know who the bob gang is I feel bad, but don't worry I'll introduce them to you! First off we have a 5'8,blue hair individual named...


Like any normal day I get out of bed, and get dressed in my normal. Jeans, white socks, and my signature yellow long sleeve shirt with a white collar and a big blue B, of course standing for bob! I exit my room and head for the stairs, but since I'm running I trip and hit my head. Once I'm down those stupid stairs, I say hello to bofo and sit on the couch, by the way bofo is a robot that I'm friends with! He's nice to me, he's also 6'1 for some reason. I don't even know why bobot made him that tall, but I guess people who are responsible have to be tall. But I of course have to deal with the 5'5 that lives here aka bobal. He has messy hair even though he takes a shower every day, and was still sleeping on the couch! So I move the brunette over "gently" and start watching tv. 

My friend bosip joins me, I didn't even notice this dude come down the stairs. You would think a person that's 5'11, and has yellow hair would be easy to spot. I guess not, huh? 

"Morning bosip"

"Good morning bob!"

He was making tea for himself, I would have tea too, if not for what happened the last time I had something with caffeine. But anyways while I was thinking of what his tea would taste like, i realized that bobal wasn't happy with me also on the couch.

"Can you not sit in the middle of the couch when I'm trying to sleep?"

"Why don't you just go to your room?"

"Because the couch is comfortable, duh"

Bosip said my name and bofo said bobal's nearly at the same time, I heard I chuckle from behind

"Hi bob!"

"Hey bowaev!"

The chuckle was from bowaev, the youngest of the group. He has cyan hair and is also 5'3, bowaev and boder walked to the dining table, boder waved at me so I waved back. Boder is half spider so he has four arms, he's also 6'3 which I don't get, why am I so short!? I joined bofo, bosip, bowaev, and boder at the dining table. Bofo made us some of the best waffles I've had in my life, I swear he gets better every day at cooking! Soon bobal and bobot joined us. Bobot is 6ft which I still don't get, WHY AM I SO SHORT!? But he has red hair, and constantly has a mask on..I don't know why but he likes it. Although something out of the ordinary happened. A portal opened up in the middle of the living room, I got up to go see what it was, after all as the leader of this group of people that I think that was my responsibility. Then stuff really started to get weird, one of the windows broke and some kind of white plague started to spread though the window.

"WHAT THE HELL WAS THAT!?" Bobal yelled at the noise of a window shattering

"IT DOESNT MATTER! EVEYONE JUST GET INSIDE THE PORTAL NOW!!" I screamed as what ever that white crap was, it looks to have quadrupled in size. But I was about to learn that this white stuff would make our day look like a horror flic. I tripped on my chair so I was one of the farthest from the portal at this point, only half way there. I heard a childish scream from behind me, boder looked back his and others expressions of horror make me turn my head, I wish I didn't have to see what I saw..

It looks like bowaev tried to get his bobble and fell in the process, we left it behind many times before so i couldn't blame him on making sure we don't forget it this time. 

"Boder, I'll get bowaev you protect the others." I said

"W-what!? Bob you can't just sacrifice you life like that!" Bosip protested

"Bosip, we've slain the ender dragon, we've defeated boombar, and we've done plenty more, I'll be fine alone just this once." I said trying to reassure him 

"B-but-" Bosip started 

"You heard him he'll be fine, now let's go" bobal said grabbing his arm

They went into the portal untouched by whatever the white stuff was, I soon realized that It was a liquid, then it would sink in to whatever it was on and the color would be drained out of whatever it touched. I grabbed boweav out of the uncolored mess that was our house, eventually I got him on my back but the blank corruption was not going to let me off that easily. A white tentacle grabbed me draining almost all the energy I had left, I couldn't even take one step before my legs gave up on me. Although someone went back though the portal, I couldn't make out who it was but when they talked I knew who it was...

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