A Family Divided

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The Blue Moon Pack was abuzz with activity as Jimin, Yoongi, and Hoseok prepared to meet Yoongi's parents. Hoseok, nervous and unsure, sought reassurance from Jimin.

"Stay calm," Jimin advised, his voice steady. "We'll be fine."

As they entered the lavish living room, they were greeted by Yoongi's parents, Min Hana and Min Mingyu.

"I'm Min Hana, and this is Min Mingyu," Hana introduced herself and her husband. "Let me get straight to the point. Why did you trap my son?"

Jimin knew the conversation would be difficult. "Luna Hana, I understand that I'm an abomination," he began. "But I also have a mate, and you must understand that."

Hana's eyes narrowed. "You want to be the Luna so you can take over my pack," she accused.

Yoongi couldn't stand his mother's accusations any longer. "Mom, stop with the bullshit," he snapped.

Mingyu tried to calm his wife down. "You're crossing the line, Hana," he said.

"You even got a disgusting vampire in our territory," Hana retorted.

"Mom, you're crossing the limit," Yoongi repeated, his voice filled with anger.

Hoseok, unable to bear the tension, ran out of the room, Jimin following close behind.

"Listen to me, you woman," Yoongi said to his mother, his voice low and dangerous. "Jimin is Alpha of the First Strongest Pack, Peony Trivia, and that vampire is the First In-Command of the pack. And that abomination is the son of your family friend, Hanyeol."

Yoongi stormed out of the room, searching for Hoseok. He found him near the fountain, tears streaming down his face.

"Baby, ignore my mother; please don't cry," Yoongi pleaded, kneeling beside Hoseok. "I can't see you crying, please, baby."

Hoseok sobbed uncontrollably. "Am I disgusting?" he cried.

"Hyung, you are the best person I ever met," Taehyung said, his voice filled with sincerity. "You are the most joyful, accepting, and brightest creature."

Taehyung's words seemed to comfort Hoseok, but Yoongi was still struggling to process his mother's behavior. Suddenly, he stumbled, his vision blurring.

"Yoongi, are you okay?" Jimin asked, concerned.

"Yes, Jim..." Yoongi replied, but before he could finish, he blacked out.

Jungkook caught Yoongi before he fell to the ground. Jimin panicked, but then he smelled something familiar and sighed in relief.

"So Hyung, he is a bottom," Taehyung smirked.

Jimin chuckled. "Well, yes," he replied.

Hoseok was confused. "Huh?" he asked.

"Hobi Hyung, congratulations; you're going to become a dad," Jungkook announced.

Hoseok's eyes widened in disbelief. "Huh?" he repeated.

"Baby, Yoonie is pregnant," Jimin explained.

Hoseok was overjoyed. "Really?" he asked, his voice filled with happiness.

"Yes," Jimin replied.

"Jimin, does Yoongi want to have a child now?" Jungkook asked.

"I never had a talk with him on this topic," Jimin admitted. "I hope he doesn't get my pup aborted."

Hoseok reassured them. "Minnie, he won't. As much as he might not want the child, he will agree, and so will I. No one wants to kill someone innocent."

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