Chapter Sixteen: Dead and Buried

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Callie and the girls sat chairs across from their mothers in Tabby's house.

They all had decided to tell their mother everything.

"So, yeah," Imogen said. "That…that about covers it."

"So, Karen was pushed?" Sidney asked. "And Typer was-"

"Murdered, yes," Tabby said. "Both by A."

Audrey looked at her daughter. "And this A started sending you texts way before all of this ever happened?"

"Yep," Callie said.

"And A is the train car guy?" Marjorie asked.

"Crazy Joe," Imogen said. "Joseph England, you all went to school with him. He's the one who sent us those creepy text messages and you all those 'gifts'."

"It was a classic Agatha Christie revenge plot," Tabby said. "He was in love with Angela Waters in high school, and years later, set about punishing the people who were, in his mind, somehow a party to her death."

"The sins of the mothers visited upon their daughters," Callie said as she looked her mother dead in the eye.

"Why didn't you tell us what was going on?" Sidney asked.

Callie scoffed. "A threatened us to keep quiet."

"We were afraid of what he might do if we didn't follow his rules," Faran said. "After we found Crazy Joe's body, we placed an anonymous call to the police."

"We're assuming they found Joe," Imogen said. "We're also assuming they assumed it was a suicide."

"Why kill himself?" Marjorie asked. "After everything?"

"We think probably because Imogen busted his ass," Tabby said. "Discovered his identity, where he was living."

"Also, maybe, because he accomplished what he set out to do," Imogen said.

"Test us," Callie said. "Make us suffer."

"Punish the guilty," Noa said. "His words."

"So, now it's time for you guys to tell us the truth," Imogen said. "The whole truth, about your connection to Angela Waters."

Callie watches closely as she watches the girls' moms, including hers as they share looks.

"We…were bullies…in high school," Sidney said. "Horrible, mean girl bullies."

"Angela and I… were in a secret relationship," Elodie told them. "But I denied it and said she was obsessed with me."

"I talked Angela into getting a tattoo," Corey told them. "Even though I knew she'd get in trouble for it with her holy roller mother."

"I was smoking outside of school," Marjorie told them. "And when the janitor caught us, I made Angela say that it was just her."

Callie looked at her mother expectantly.

Audrey sighed as she looked at both Imogen and her daughter. "Davie and I had taken Angela shopping with us, we stole a few things and hid them. Price tags off, but Davie had snuck something into Angela's bag, getting her in trouble with the store and security."

Callie and Imogen exchanged looks, both disappointed in their mothers as Imogen was shocked about how her mother was back then.

"I wasn't a good friend to her," Sidney told them. "Angela confided something in me, something I should have helped her with."

"Her assault?" Tabby said.

Callie looked at her mother only to find her gaze on her already, both having words with their eyes.

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