how you meet

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Your cousin asked you to collect their notebooks from their school  ,,Can you please collect my note books from my school?" ,,Sure, but why can't you do it yourself?" You asked. ,,I'm... very busy..." They answered 'Something's clearly wrong...' You thought.

Time skip

You arrived at the school and was about to go inside.
You opened the door and saw a bald man. ,,Oh, hi! Welcome to my schoolhouse!" He said. ,,Umm... hi?" ,,I'm Baldi, and you?" ,,Y/n..." ,,Nice to meet you Y/n! If you don't mind me asking, what are you doing here?" ,,My cousin, C/n (cousin name) asked me to collect their notebooks" He was silent for a while, then he said: ,,So they asked you to collect their notebooks instead of doing it by themselves?" ,,Yes... They said they were very busy..." Baldi just nodded. ,,Would you like me to help you collect the notebooks?" ,,Sure!" After that you said bye to Baldi and qent home.

♥︎Principal of the thing♥︎
Your mom asked you to pick your sibling up from their school (if you don't have any siblings just pretend that you do). You were waiting in front of the school for S/n (Sibling name) to finish all of their classes, when a guy walked up to you. ,,Are you Waiting for someone?" He asked. ,,Yes, I'm waiting for my sibling to finish all of their classes, why do you ask?" ,,No reason, I'm the principal of this school, may I ask what's your name?" ,,It's Y/n" ,,Nice to meet you Y/n" ,,Nice to meet you too" Just then S/n walked out of the school. ,,Y/n!"
,,Hey S/n!" ,,I assume you must get going now" ,,Yeah... I will see you again tomorrow, when I drop S/n off here" He nodded. ,,Bye Y/n and S/n!" "Goodbye!"

♥︎Playtime♥︎ and ♥︎Bully♥︎
It was your first day in your new school. You were very nervous and scared. You walked isnide the building and your teacher was already waiting for you. ,,Ah, you're finally here! Y/n, am I correct?" ,,Y-yes sir"
,,I'm Baldi, Nice to meet you Y/n!" ,,N-nice to meet y-you too s-sir." You said stuttering. ,,Please, follow me to your classroom." ,,Okay..." When you arrived at the classroom, Baldi let you in first. ,,Thank you." He then walked in after you. ,,Hello class, this our new student, Y/n!" ,,H-hi" You said quietly. ,,Y/n, please sit down next to Playtime" The girl who you assumed was Playtime raised her hand and waved at you.

Time skip

You were in the cafeteria, looking for a table you could sit at. You saw Playtime waving at you so you started walking up to her. Suddenly you felt someone push you. ,,Ow!" You screamed. You heard someone laugh at you. You looked up to see a chubby boy in a orange hoodie with blue sleeves. Just then you heard another person say: ,,No bullying in the halls, detention for you, when will you learn?" Then the principal dragged him out of the cafeteria. Playtime ran up to you. ,,Are you okay?" ,,Yeah... I'm fine... Who was that?" ,,Nobody knows his real name in here so we just call him bully since he bullies everyone here." ,,Oh... Okay?"

♥︎Arts and Crafters♥︎
It was your first day in your new school and you were waiting in the principal office with your parent/caretaker. The principal said that he asked someone to show me around the school and the person should come in any second. Just then you heard the door open and a boy came in. ,,Ah, Arts and Crafters! You're finally here! This is Y/n, the person you will be showing around the school." The principal said. Then you two were pushed out of the office since the principal needed to talk about something with your parent/caretaker. It was an akward silence betwen you two. ,,So uh... You're Y/n, right?" ,,Yes, and you're Arts and Crafters, am I correct?" ,,Yeah..."  There was an akward silence once again. Then Arts and Crafters just started showing you around.

♥︎Gotta Sweep♥︎
It was your first day at your new job as a teacher. You were going to teach the kids Y/s (your subject). Right now you were waiting with the principal for all the other workers to show up. Suddenly someone burst through the door and it almost broke. ,,Oops..." You heard someone say, you turned around and saw a guy (my autocorrect wanted to change it to gay XD) who you assumed was the janitor. ,,Do you always have to almost break the door open?" ,,Maybe." The principal let out a sigh and said: ,,Just sit down, Baldi hasn't arrived yet." There was silence for a moment, then Baldi came in and the principal started a conversation. ,,As you can see, we have a new teacher that will be working here." He looked at you as if he was waiting for you to introduce yourself. ,,Hi I'm Y/n!" ,,Nice to meet you Y/n, I'm Gotta Sweep!" The janitor said. ,,And I'm Baldi." You heard the other person say. Then you talked a little bit more and the meeting ended.

♥︎1st Prize♥︎
You were getting bullied on your first day of school when someone walked up to you. ,,Hey! Leave them alone!" ,,And what are you gonna do?" The bully asked.  You couldn't hear anything else because you passed out. You woke up in the nurses office and saw a guy sitting next to you. ,,Oh, you're finally awake! Are feeling arlight?" ,,Yeah... Who are you?" ,,I'm 1st Prize! And you are?" ,,Y/n" ,,Nice to meet you Y/n!" ,,Nice to meet you too!"

Sorry if it was short, I'm running out of ideas

You were running away from Baldi when you tripped over something and fell. You hit your head on the wall and fainted the moment you reached the floor. You woke up in another room and you saw a guy that seemed to be corrupted. ,,Oh, I see you're finally awake." ,,Where am I?" ,,In my room, and don't worry about Baldi finding you, only I know about this place, well... now you too." Just then you felt a pain in your head. ,,Ugh, my head hurts... What happened?" ,,You tripped on a soda can and hit your head on the wall." 'No wonder it hurts so much...' You thought. ,,Baldi left the school now so it should be safe for you to go home now." ,,Okay..."

Its literally 11:23pm and I'm supposed to be sleeping bc I have to wake up tomorrow at 4:55am even though school starts at 8:00, well... maybe 7:58 bc the bell is broken and it rings 2 minutes early.

Baldi's basics in Education and Learning x reader scenariosWhere stories live. Discover now