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Its been 2 and 1/2 years since me and my sister mable last went to gravity falls for summer vacation...the last time being when we fought bill cipher when we did we thought everything would get better but we were wrong. We got off the bus and walked to the mystery shack, mable stopped at the door and i was about to ask why when i heard ford yelling a painfully familiar last name. we ran inside and froze.


Six fingers was yelling at me about how i shouldn't have summoned my stepbrother back obviously thinking he was still dangerous whem the doors opened and two teenagers ran in. I walked closer, the sound of my black heels clicking on the wooden floor. "Well, well, well...what have we here?" Sixer spoke up "nicola, this is my neice and nephew...dipper, mabel this is nicola...she's Bill's step-sister." They both looked at each other then back at me. "Im sorry what...?" The girl asked, obviously confused...looks like sixer and I had some explaining to do.


Nicola gave me a nod and i started explaining. "I know its confusing but basically nicola brought bill back somehow. currently both of them have their powers, and bill is back in gravity falls, still extremely dangerou..." nicola cut me off. "Actually...when i summoned him back he had changed...like the way he acted did." I gave her a nod and told her to continue. "Bill was acting more childish then he ussally does when i saw him last...so he's far from dangerous right now if anything he might be the one in danger..."


Sixer told the twins to go up to their rooms and unpack then turned to me. "Where was the last place you saw him...?" Sixer asked me. "Last time i saw him he was in the forest after i summoned him...but he wandered off." Sixer told the twins he would be back soon and dragged me out of the mystery shack. "Lets go find him before he gets himself hurt..." I nodded. I had never seen six fingers so worried about bill before and it was kind of cute. We walked into the forest and split up.


I walked through the forest, nicola and me had split up but it wasn't a big deal seeing how nicola could hear my thoughts. After about 8 minutes of looking i heard something. Soft crying coming from behind a tree. I walked closer and saw bill, curled up in a ball. Nicola teleported behind me as i got closer and sat down next to him. "Bill...?" Was all i could say before he looked at and hugged me tightly.


I was completely lost...my stepsister had summoned me back to gravity falls but i had stupidly wandered off...I sat down by a tree and tried to calm down, failing horribly. I curled up in a ball starting to cry. I would ussally care about my reputation but at this point all i wanted to do was be in a warm, cozy place, and have someone hold me close in their arms. I had been crying for about 10 minutes when i heard footsteps and then a voice. "Bill...?" I looked up and saw six fingers sitting next to me. I wiped away most of my tears and hugged him.


I smiled, gently picking bill up. i started walking back to the mystery shack, I asked bill if he wanted to walk beside me instead of being carried but according to him playing with my hair was much more important. Nicola was right he was definitely acting a lot more childish then he normally did, starting to cry at least 4 times on the way back. By the time we reached the mystery shack i was pretty tired from carrying bill the whole way but still had to carry him to the spare room because he had starting crying again when i tried to put him down.


I tried not to laugh as a tired kind of grumpy ford walked in to the mystery shack still carrying bill. He tried to put bill down only to be met with him crying. He picked him up again and walked into the spare room and i followed, fully prepared to use my magic to change it to Bills liking. I knew something weird was going on the second i asked him what he wanted for his bed and get met with "uh pink crib pls" I snapped my fingers and it appeared. Bill squealed happily and motioned to be put down. After i had finished changing the room and bill was asleep in his new crib me and sixer went to his lab to try and find out why he was acting the way he was.

This one was mostly sixer and nicola i know ill try to add the twins in more later

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