Chapter 2

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      After spending many happy days with Xie Lian, Hua Cheng noticed that his friend was still unhappy being a ferret. So one day, Hua Cheng decided to embark on a journey to find the witch who had cursed Xie Lian in the first place.

The journey was long and treacherous, but Hua Cheng was determined to find the witch and convince her to lift the curse. He traveled through deep forests and across raging rivers, never giving up hope.

Finally, after many weeks of searching, Hua Cheng found himself standing before the witch's cottage. He knocked on the door and begged her to see reason, explaining how Xie Lian had suffered enough and deserved to be turned back into a human.

At first, the witch was reluctant to listen, but Hua Cheng was determined to make her see the error of her ways. He told her about all the good things Xie Lian had done as a human and how much he had suffered as a ferret. The witch was touched by Hua Cheng's words and eventually agreed to lift the curse.

Hua Cheng returned to the palace with a heavy heart, but he knew he had done the right thing. When he arrived, he found Xie Lian waiting for him, looking worried and anxious. Hua Cheng rushed up to him and told him the good news - the curse had been lifted!

Xie Lian was overjoyed and hugged Hua Cheng tightly. "Thank you, my friend," he said. "I could not have done this without your help."

From that day on, Xie Lian was once again a human, and he and Hua Cheng continued to be the best of friends. They went on many more adventures together, but they never forgot the journey that had brought them closer than ever before.

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