The invitation

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"Shit" I said looking at the time on my watch. I get up and sling my backpack over my shoulder. I wince feeling the pressure on my shoulder. I was going to have to stitch up the knife wound when I got home. Some thug and his buddies got lucky and stabbed my shoulder before I brought out my   emerald daggers. The fight was a bit messier than I wanted it to be but it was sufficient. It is currently 9:16 A.M and my father will be home from the bar soon. I ran down six flights of stairs and made it to the alley way. I felt someone watching me so I had a hand close to my daggers. I made a sharp turn into the alley way and was stopped by a girl with blonde hair fixed into space buns. She lunged at me giggling dagger in hand. I dodged grabbing the dagger and pinning her to the ground the knife against her throat. "Himoka Toga I presume?" I asked I already could tell the answer I have been waiting a while for them to find me I have been leaving a signature green oragami crane that had Deku on it. The only other person who knew that name was a childhood friend; and there was no way he remembered defenseless little Izuku the quirkless  kid from elementary school. I was snapped out of my thoughts by three sharp claps. I winced I hated loud noises and forgot my headphones at home last night. "Well, Well, Well if it isn't the paper crane vigilante Deku" the man who I presume is Tomura Shigaraki said the leader of the LOV. The villain known as "Dabi" but who was previously known as Touya Todoroki before the LOV stepped closer. "Move any closer and I will slit her throat." I hissed. I would never actually hurt her unless she tried to hurt me first or someone innocent. But if I wanted the plan to work out I needed to bluff. Dabi let out a low growl and stepped back. "We came to make you an offer" said a figure in a grey suit and purple vapors for a head. "Fine I will listen,but I don't have all day so make it quick." I snapped I was actually running out of time my father was going to be pissed. "We want to recruit you for the LOV you can prove to the hero commission that quirkless people are just as dangerous as any villain." Kurogiri said. I scoffed " and why would I want to join?" I said. I knew it was risky pretending I didn't need them but it might work out to my advantage. " it is a yes or a no brat!" Shigaraki yelled. I flinched "because we can bring Justice to the society that killed your mother..." Kurogiri said I tensed. "Fine when do you want me there I have work from 12A.M to 10 P.M every day of the week and possible overtime so you will have to move it around that schedule..." I said dropping Toga and her knife. She scrambled to her feet getting to Dabi. He immediately put an arm in front of her when she stepped behind him. "Wensday night 12 A.M the jailers bar downtown be there" Dabi said walking into a black portal with the others. Once they were gone I relaxed a bit. I looked at the time it was 11:27 A.M "shit I'm going to have to take a shower and run to work." I grumbled. I ran the rest of the distance home. I carefully climbed through my window careful not to wake my Father but he was waiting in the room. "WHERE THE HELL HAVE YOU BEEN? I TOLD YOU TO CLEAN THE HOUSE LAST NIGHT AND YOU GO OUT DRESSED LIKE A WHORE!!! YOU BETTER NOT BE LATE TO WORK YOU HAVE TO PAY RENT THIS MONTH AND I HAVE TO PAY OF A BAR TAB!!! USELESS BITCH!!!" He screamed I grimaced because loud noises make me extremely overstimulated. He grabbed my face to look at him his breath reeked of last nights liquor "DONT YOU EVER CROSS ME AGAIN" He pushed me to the ground and kicked my ribs after he got tired he gave a final kick to my face causing my nose to bleed. I checked the time it was 11:56 A.M I'm going to be late. I called work letting them know I would be late due to some traffic which was a bullshit lie but I was a good employee and they trusted me. I walked into the bathroom my black sleeveless turtleneck was covered in blood but you could barely see it. My olive arms were freckled and scarred with crimson rivers flowing down from my stab wound currently. My muscles were toned and you could see the definition of my abs. My cargo pants fit tight around my thighs which were a bit feminine. But I didn't mind because my ass looked great in skinny jeans. I looked at my freckled face luckily my nose wasn't broken but I was going to have to cover up the black eye for work. I stripped off my clothes I quickly glanced in the mirror and groaned. I didn't mind the scars I had from fighting, I hated the ones were I let my dad win. After I finished the shower I threw on a white t shirt and some black ripped skinny Jeans with red high tops. I tussled my emerald green hair in the mirror. The under cut I was sporting, the snake bites, black studs and cherry blossom tree tattoos made my outfit come together. I did a quick once over and quickly grabbed a pastel green hoodie with the cat cafes logo on it. I decided to not do stitches but just wrap the shoulder wound it wasn't bleeding that much anyways. I grabbed my yellow back pack sneaking out the front door I checked the time it was 12:16 P.M I started running to work because if I got there at 12:30 I would only be thirty minutes late. When I arrived my boss Fae was running the desk. I thanked him for staying a little over on his shift he smiled " it is no problem you are one of the hardest working people here, I barely see you take time off or be late so traffic must have been bad!" He said. I smiled he always makes my day somehow, I really couldn't have asked for a more understanding boss. I quickly put down my stuff and tie an apron around my waist. "Oh by the way all the cats have been groomed and the litter box is changed, they do however need to be feed. I also left you lunch in the staff fridge it is Katsudon." He smiled and waved walking out the door I bowed thanking him. I started walking to storage to grab cat food I winced my shoulder hurt like crazy but I pushed through it. The day was really slow I played with the cats feed them made myself some coffee and ate lunch. A few customers came in here and there but nothing to special. It is 4:36 P.M which is usually when school lets out and everyone decides to come for their study breaks. I was wiping down the glass display case for our desserts when I saw a tuft of lilac hair. "Hello Midoryia." Shinso said in an unexcited tone. Izuku chuckled "hello to you to Shinso, i'm guessing the regular black coffee." Izuku said with a bright smile following in suit. I stood up to look Shinso in the eyes when I saw his eyes widen and he took in a sharp breath stepping closer. " What do I have something on my face" I let out a unsure laugh I looked to what he was hyper fixated on. My stab wound had bleed through the bandage, shit how could I not have noticed. "Midoryia why are you bleeding?" Concern laced Shinsos voice as he went and grabbed the first aid kit. " I am fine really probably just cut my shoulder on a box while stocking the shelves" I spewed out, while stepping away as he tried to step close and assess the wound. "Midoryia let me help you." Shinso said. I sighed knowing I couldn't stop him so I went over to the front door and put the closed sign up. I sat on the counter and Shinso came forward he reached towards my wound and I flinched. I still hated physical touch it made me feel anxious. He let out a sigh " do I have permission to touch you?" He asked in a polite gentle tone. I simply nodded my head and he took off my shirt revealing the poorly done bandage from last nights events. Shinso unwrapped the wound and gasped in shock " DID YOU GET STABBED!?! WHAT WERE YOU..? Ugh ARE YOU OKAY!?!" Shinso started yelling but quickly stopped when I recoiled covering my ears. He addressed the rest of the wound in silence giving me time to breathe. "I'm fine, I just got mugged last night." I said in a slightly joking manner. "Why didn't you go to the hospital Midoryia I know you're stubborn but this is ridiculous" Shinso scolded. I sighed and slipped myself of the counter making Shinso his black coffee. " Shinso please don't tell anyone it is really not a big deal they aren't a threat anymore I am safe." I tried playing it off but as I handed him his coffee I could see he still had questions. Shinso sighed and said a quick goodbye leaving the cat cafe. The little bell jingled as he walked out and Midoryia silently "prayed" that he kept his word. But Shinso was a U.A student they have a super hero complex so he doubts that they'll be staying out of his hair for long. He will have to be discreet in these next few missions.

I know Midoryia was lying, that stab wound was not the only injury on his body. There were previous scars littered all along his body some looked like stabs others bullet wounds he also was littered with fresh bruises from what looked like he was kicked senseless. I care for Midoryia he is one of the first friends I had while I started U.A. He has always been a mystery. He rarely talked about himself and if this was any indication why I should be worried. I took a sip of my coffee and pulled up my contacts in my phone and called Aizawa The phone rang three times when my Aizawa picked up. "Hey kid" A sleepy voice said through the phone. "Hey Dad I need some guidance." Shinso said. "If it is about loud blondes then NO" I chuckled when on the other end of the line I heard an offended mic gasp. "No dad it is not, it is actually kind of seriously." I said concern lacing my voice. " is everything ok do you need me to come get you?" I could tell he was starting to get worried so I cut him of." no I am okay, it is actually the boy at the cat cafe I befriended at the begging of U.A" I said " I think he is in some sort of trouble, he came into the cafe with a stab wound today and from the looks of it that was not the first one." I stated I heard dad take a deep breath and let out a sigh " give me his name and I will start to do some surveillance just to make sure it is not home life and that he is safe." He said " His name is Izuku Midoryia" I said.

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