Chapter 6: The First Date

Start from the beginning

Mandy: you think this could be something serious between you two ?

Priscilla smiled as she nodded and gave her answer.

Priscilla: yeah I do, I really like him a lot.

Priscilla hung out with Taylor and Mandy for a little bit longer until they left.

Meanwhile, Tom was at his desk and he was getting rather tired as the day drew to a close and he took a sip of the coffee that he got during break and while he was typing away on his laptop, he got a text from Priscilla and so he picked up his phone and read the text and responded.

Priscilla🥀: hey Tommy, how's your day been ?

Tom: it's definitely been busy but I'm okay, what about you ?

Priscilla🥀: well, I hung out with Mandy and Taylor earlier and when they left, I got to thinking about you and I was wondering if you're okay.

Tom: I'm okay, thanks for asking, how about you ?

Priscilla🥀: I'm good, I'm going to do an interview over Skype and then I'll get some rest after that.

Tom: okay, hope the interview goes well and hope you get a good nights rest.

Priscilla🥀: aww Tommy, you're so cute, I can't wait for our date, I'll see you soon. 😘

Tom: bye Priscilla.

Tom put his phone down and then he got on with his work and by the end of the day, he was exhausted and as he left his office and locked the door behind him, he was approached by his friends Michael, Daniel and Andrea who work with him who noticed how exhausted he looked.

Michael: hey dude, you look exhausted.

Tom: haha, thanks.

Daniel: seriously man, you need to get some sleep when you get home.

Andrea: yeah, we were going to ask you if you wanted to join us at the bar but you need rest above all else right now.

Tom: (yawn) yeah you're right, I'll go home and get some rest and I'll see you guys tomorrow.

Michael, Daniel, Andrea: bye Tom.

After his friends had left the venue, Tom locked up and he got in his car and drove home.

For the next five to six days, it had been busy for Tom and it was the night before his date with Priscilla and he was at home and he started to get ready for bed and he got a text from Priscilla which made him smile so he replied back to her after reading it.

Priscilla🥀: hey Tommy, just wanted to say how excited I am for our date tomorrow, hope you get a good night's sleep. 🤗

Tom: thanks Priscilla, I'm looking forward to our date as well, goodnight and I'll see you tomorrow. ☺️

After putting his phone down, Tom went to sleep and the next morning, he got up and had a shower and got changed into some clothes and then fed his dog Cairo before taking him for a walk.

When Tom came back from walking his dog, he decided to go and do his grocery shopping and so he gave Cairo a dog treat and grabbed his car keys and wallet and got in his car and headed to his local supermarket.

When he came back home, he put his groceries away and then looked around and saw his Xbox console and remembered that he bought some video games not too long ago and so he picked one from his collection and the game he picked to play was Farcry 5.

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