Chapter Eight 𐮛 The Abyss Consumes

Start from the beginning

"Arg!" She grunted as a large Uruk-Hai, resembling a grown man had striked at her with a hefty halberd, missing her by an inch and embedding his blade on the scaffolding beneath them, creaking it underneath her as he struggle to get it out. She shot him quickly in the skull, but his heavy weight fell on the now tumbling platform, sending her to the ground face first. She quickly scrambled up to her feet and shot more shards at the oncoming orcs or any dark figure that neared her, stumbling back from them as they drew closer and closer each time one fell dead. She refused to call for help, not willing to get anyone hurt for her own sake.

Eventually, the last one had gotten to her, and almost cut her hand clean off! She screamed, striking at it with her fist, which had luckily knocked its helmet clean off. Unfortunately, she was still cornered, and the soldiers on her side had scrambled away to the more troubling areas of the battlefield, leaving her standing completely alone.

"You damned beast!" She scowled, deciding it was time to unleash her special curse.

The Orc merely snarled at her in a mocking manner, even laughing at her as he drew near with his scabbard at the ready.

"Atesh as poiem, awo da destem, bolohbyor da ohsmon, amroyeh Behesht megardom." She hissed, glowing red smoke rising from her soles and palms, lifting her high into the air like she was flying. Shaking, she balanced herself and ignored the searing pain that began in her lungs, letting out more shards at the Orc that now cowered before her.

"Time to repay your debts." The shadow appeared before her, smiling wickedly. She gasp, almost faltering mid air. She noticed the pale moon had begun to peek through the thick black clouds and her face contorted into pure terror. 'You will return this deed in the next moon...' her thoughts relayed the shades omen, and she began to panic as the air grew thicker around her, making it hard to focus. The shadow lunged into her chest, entering her body and effectively knocking her out of control.

Like all senses had faded, all she could do was watch in an abyss as it took the reigns and willed her body to do its own bidding.

No! She screamed, but nothing came out of her mouth. Instead, a horrible cackle erupted from her stomach. Her body flew out with more efficiency, like it had gained vast more experience in its art than [Y/n] herself. Stuck in the black void, she watched as it conjured spells she's never heard of and attack the Orc army beneath her — even stopping massive boulders midair and sending flying back towards the enemy catapults! She felt glad that it was at least killing the enemy, but she grew uneasy I from being so vulnerable.

Amidst the chaos, Gimli pointed at her and said something she couldn't understand. Legolas saw her too, and looked horrified.

Her body didn't even give her the time to look at them, as it focused on the large flock of arrows flying right at her. Her hands twisted before her and whipped around the air, summoning a larger and more potent shield, somehow stopping all of them and redirecting them right back at the screeching archer goblins. She cheered inside the blank chasm of her mind, hearing a low chuckle escape the lips of her body.

"[Y/n]!" She hears her name, and through great effort, she managed to will her body to look behind her to Legolas, who stood high on the ledge and stared directly at her like a wild deer. Her body growled, shooting a shard at the elf. [Y/n] screamed, but was relieved to see it had missed him. She was guessing it was a warning shot, but still battled her body to do her own wills.

"Quiet, you fool! Let me have my fun!" It roared, and cast a fire of great intensity, sending it plunging down onto the army before her, exploding as it made contact with the ground, parts of Orc flying into multiple directions.

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