Stepmom part 2

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Lunch time came and Ryujin went down to the table, after a long bath and thinking a lot if she really wanted to go downstairs and see Yeji's face, she didn't know what was waiting for her and she was a little nervous about it.

Yeji was still not at the table and the maid was putting the dishes on the table.

"Hello, Miss Shin. Have a seat."

Ryujin gave the girl a smile and nodded, sitting in the chair she always does and after a few more minutes, she felt the sound of heels approaching the table. This made her swallow hard.

"Hello, Ryu..." She heard the woman's voice and then raised her gaze towards her.

She was wearing a black blouse just below her belly button and a pair of skinny jeans. She looked plain but just as beautiful and sexy even without a drop of makeup.


Ryujin replied simply, because for some reason, she felt strangely nervous. Something that hadn't happened to her before with any other girl.

Yeji gave her a smile and Ryujin couldn't believe she was looking at the same woman who a few hours ago would have given her the best blowjob of her life.

A few seconds later the serving girl served them their food and the two began to eat in complete silence.

At some moments the blonde would stare at her and when Yeji would look at her, she would immediately take it away, she couldn't even hold that gaze and that had her so nervous, that her leg would move desperately under the table.

"Is something wrong?" Ryujin heard and looked up at Yeji who was looking at her with some interest. "You look kind of nervous or stressed. Are you feeling okay?"

Ryujin couldn't help but wonder how that woman was acting so calm, when a few hours ago she had walked into her room, pulled out the girl she was fucking in there, and gave her a blowjob.

This would all be a little more normal if Yeji wasn't her father's wife, but this being the case, it was quite confusing to her.

"So... We'll just act like nothing happened?" Ryujin took a bit of courage and asked her.

Yeji was silent for a few seconds and then gave her a smile. A rather warm and tender one, very different from a few hours ago.

"And what do you think happened, Ryujin?"

The blonde's heart skipped a beat immediately. Yeji tilted her head to the side and set the chopsticks aside on the table.

"It's... You... What happened a few hours ago and-"

"Nothing happened, Ryujin... Nothing." Ryujin looked at her frowningly. "Now if you'll excuse me, I'll go get some business taken care of, I'll be back later."

The woman gave her a smile and got up from the chair, leaving her there unable to say anything more and unable to stop looking at her until she disappeared behind the door.

Ryujin gritted her teeth.

"Well, if that's how we're going to act..."

She whispered and went back upstairs to her room to dress appropriately and ride her motorcycle out of her house, on her way to her best friend's house.

"I can't believe anything you're telling me... I think you hit your head on a chair yesterday and now you're just talking nonsense."

Ryujin rolled her eyes and took a swig of the canned beer the brown-haired girl had given her.

"It's the truth, Lia... It's the pure truth, if you want you can ask Heejin."

"She saw you both fucking?" Lia asked her in surprise. Ryujin denied rolling her eyes.

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