Sofía the Madrigal

Start from the beginning

"Yeah, Grandma Garcia-Shapiro. Our Bube, though we just call her Nana Connie or Nana," she says. Bruno's eyebrows narrow at the term, "Bube? Is that another word for Abuela?" he asks her.

"Sí, it's the Jewish term or Yiddish to be more accurate. Why do you want to know about her?"

Bruno paused for a bit, "I guess to see how she is with you, Fran's stories are always..."



"Well... Nana Connie is a nice lady at times, but she can be dramatic when things don't go her way. When Mom first told her she was going to focus on being a career girl instead of becoming a bride, she tries to guilt Mom and Tía into compliance but settles for compromises," Sofia explained.

"Oh... I take it she was disappointed when Fran refused to marry before you were born and after...?"

Sofía nodded, "Yup, but she only acts that way with Mom and Tía Nadia," turns to her brother, "We're at the age where we can do no wrong unless we stole a pie or something." She says while wiggling Manny's foot.

"Stealing is wrong," Bruno said thinking how Fran's mother is in contrast with his own. "But back to your mother and Bube how do they usually get along?"

"They love each other no question, but they often clash on certain topics. Mom says that's how most families are with each other. Especially with mothers and daughters as they get older however as long as they communicate and care for one another, the headaches are worth it."

Bruno smiled at his daughter's wise words "Headaches?"

"Wait till we go to their house for Hanukkah, you'll be able to form your own opinion," she says, tickling her baby brother.

"Are you going to walk with me to my first day of school?"

"I... I would love to but I'm not sure if Mama will..." Sees her forlorn look, "Well, maybe once everyone returns I can ask her and work something out?" he says lifting Sofia's spirits a little higher.

Door slam.

The Madrigals have all returned from their work in the town. Youngest to oldest Madrigals walked inside first, except for a certain Hispanic Jew who was trying to look at her phone while listening to the Madrigal Matriarch's ranting.

"I can't believe you did this without consulting me!" Alma shouted to Fran. "How could you be so tactless as to announce that Sofía is..." Notices her son and his children looking at the two women.

Bruno: "Huh? Welcome home..." he said but his mother's unamused expression was hard to make eye contact with.

"Bruno! Did you see what your wife has done?!"

"Uh... Pitch her idea to the council...?"

"No, she went and told everyone about Sofia BEFORE I made my decision," Alma says, frustrated at Fran's disregard for her authority.

Fran rolls her eyes, "She's exaggerating. I merely spoke with the school regarding Sofia's enrollment," she says, to her baby daddy/pretend husband. "She starts tomorrow. What's for dinner?" she asks Julieta.

"Do you have any idea what your actions have brought to this family?"

"Another Madrigal in school?" Fran joked but Alma was getting impatient. She looks to the rest of the family for their input.

"We'll leave you two alone," said Julieta as she and the others left for the kitchen.

Alma sees Bruno and orders, "You stay!" he stops listening to his mother's orders.

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