You will not die by my hand

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Suddenly, several blasters from all directions were aimed at their heads. I glanced to my right and saw the end of a blaster in my face. I sighed and turned away from the man holding the blaster. Of course this went south.

The crowd quickly scattered. People were running out of the exits as fast as they could to get away from getting caught in the crossfire.

"Thank you for coming to me. Normally, I have to seek out remnants of you Mandalorians in your hidden hives to harvest your precious shiny shells." The man said. I glared harshly at the man.

"Beskar's value continues to rise. I've grown quite fond of it. Give it to me now or I will peel it off your corpse." The man said. My hands tightened into a fist as I fought the urge to grab my blaster and shoot the man in the face.

"Tell me where the Mandalorians are and I'll walk outta here without killing you." Din explained

"Thought you said you weren't a gambler..." the man said

A familiar noise hummed to life as Din flicked his wrist and activated his whistling birds. The child very quickly shut the doors of his pram once he noticed that.

"I'm not." Din said. Suddenly the small bullets flew out of his wrist and hit the men that had surrounded them. The quiet whistling noise flew past my ears as I ducked my head out of the way.

Din stood up and kicked the child's pram out of harm's way. He then grabbed my arm tightly and pulled me backwards as the Gamorrean lept from the fighting ring and attempted to flatten us. The Gamorrean landed heavily on the ground below.

Din grunted from beside me, I quickly spun around to see that a man had wrapped his arms around his shoulders. He lifted him up off of the ground. Din flailed and grunted as the man held him up. I backed up slightly to avoid getting accidentally kicked by him.

Another man rushed in and punched Din in the face. Which very quickly backfired, his head flung backwards and knocked into the man holding him. He grunted In pain and let go of Din. The beskar helmet almost knocking him unconscious.

I pulled my blaster out of my holster and shot the man who had punched Din. The bolt hit him in the shoulder and he fell to the ground.

I turned back around to see Din fighting off a man who was wielding an ax. Luckily he was protected by his armor, the blade of the ax hit the beskar but never broke it.

I saw the one eyed man running out of the stadium. I sighed and clenched my jaw in anger. Din threw a vibroblade at the man with the ax, it landed in his chest and he fell to the ground with a loud thud.

The room fell silent, which made it easy to hear Gor Koresh's footsteps as he ran out of the room. Din and I stared at him as he ran around the corner.

"Let's go." He said to me as he picked up his blaster. I nodded to him and the two of us strolled out of the fighting arena in the direction of the retreating coward.

The two of us stepped outside and saw the man running as fast as he could. Din raised his right arm and aimed his fist at the man, wire shot out of his vambrace and wrapped around the man's ankle. He yelled as he face planted on the ground.

Din then began to pull on the wire and drag the man along the ground. He thrashed as he was pulled towards them. Once the man was close enough, Din tossed the wire upwards so it wrapped around the bright lamp post above them. He then pulled hard on the wire and the man shot upwards.

Din tied the wire around the base of the lamp post, leaving Gor Koresh dangling upside down from his leg.

"All right, stop, stop! I'll tell you where he is." Gor Karesh yelled. "But you must promise that you won't kill me."

Across the Universe | D. Djarin Dove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora