Then Hyunjoon's eyes fell on her and then he got up from the chair.

"Ryujin, daughter... Come here."

The blonde approached her father and the woman who slowly stood up and Ryujin could tell she was wearing a dress. A black dress rather tight to her slender body.

"This is Yeji, my wife."

Ryujin swallowed hard when she saw the woman in front of her with a smile and the sexiest and most beautiful face she had ever seen in her life.

Her eyes, her lips, her nose, everything was perfect, even that small mole and then her gaze lowered a little more, involuntarily towards those two valleys that could be noticed above her v-neckline.

"Hi Ryu, I'm Yeji." The woman stretched her hand towards her and Ryujin turned her gaze back to her face. "Hwang Yeji, your father's wife."

This had to be a joke, right?

"Ryujin." She said, receiving her hand. With her eyes on her face, trying to understand how her father had married a teenage girl.

"Well, we can go to the table." Hyunjoon informed and the three of them headed to the dining room, where shortly after the serving woman came attend to them.

Ryujin noticed the house driver, carrying up some suitcases, she guessed, to her father's room, surely it wasn't the girl's clothes. Meanwhile, her gaze did not stray from the ginger-head.

"...And in exactly two days I'll be traveling to Canada."

Ryujin ate in silence as her father spoke apparently only to her new wife and not that she wanted to get involved in the conversation either.

"And how long will you be there, honey?"

Yuck, I feel like throwing up. She thought.

"Exactly 4 days..."

Ryujin looked up and looked at the girl who was pouting while looking at her father, she looked so naive and tender that she couldn't get her head around something as crazy as that beautiful woman being married to her father.

"Long time..."

"How old are you, Yeji?" And those words came out of nowhere from Ryujin's mouth.

Yeji and her father immediately looked at her. Her father with anger, while the girl with a smile.

"You don't ask a woman her age, Ryujin." Her father tried to stifle her, but Yeji denied towards him.

"Don't worry." She said softly looking at her husband and then at Ryujin. The blonde was just waiting for the answer. "I'm 29 years old. I'll be 30 the next month."


30!? But she looks so young....

"Do you want us to have a party for your 30th? We can invite the guys and your coworkers."

Ryujin was lost in her thoughts and in Yeji's face for who knows how long, until she couldn't take it anymore and opened her mouth again. Interrupting her father's conversation with Yeji.

"And how did you meet my dad? Do you even work for him?"

She could feel her father's angry look, but continued to watch the woman in front of her who was eating rather daintily.


"Don't worry, Joon." Yeji replied softly. Then she turned her gaze back to Ryujin. "Your father and I met at a business fair."

"Then you're not a trickster like I thought."

"Ryujin!" The sound of her father's hand hitting the wood of the table echoed throughout the place.

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