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“Hi hi!”

Harry struggled to open his eyes as pain was all over his body. It was blurry everywhere, he nearly couldn’t see a thing. He lifted up his hand, it was covered in layers of bandages. “Awake now, Potter?” His vision started to come back as he stared at the crazy looking figure in front of him.

It wasn’t Malfoy that helped him, since he was that one that made Harry this injured. So who else could it be? He stares at the dark figure in front of him.

“Oi, are you awake?”

Harry took a look at his surroundings. He was in the hospital wing, a girl with a very.. fluffy hair was standing in front of his bloody and injured body. Oh yeah, Malfoy roughed him up. It hurts like hell. Wait.. a Slytherin saved him, or did magic save him? He’s not in the hospital wing.. oh god.. he got kidnapped.

“No, I’m still sleeping.” Harry turned the pillow to the colder side.

“Ugh, stupid boy.”

“I will attend your classes for you while you heal. Nobody knows you’re here, not even that Nurse lady. Wow! It’s going to be my first time being a famous fellow!”

“Aren’t your fellow snakes going to notice your disappearance? And my newly formed attitude?” Harry snapped back, groaning at the sunlight.

“I’m just a nobody, who’s going to notice I’m gone? Ha! Stupid questions.” Harry then realized he hadn’t gotten her name. “By the way, what’s your name?”

“Oh, my name is Sumida Yamasaki! Nice to meet ya!”

Sumida Yamasaki.. Yamasaki.. where have I heard that name?


“Uh Sumida..?” He spoke up suddenly.

“Hmm? What’s up?” She wasn’t looking at Harry at all, she was busy changing his bandages. Infections, begone!

“Can you make Proffessor Snape.. uh.. not dislike me that much?”

“Erm.. I’ll see what I can do.”



The Next Day~

“Good morning, Professor Snape!”

Snape glares at the smiling boy in front of him. Oh how he just wants to tear it off his face. “Sit down, Potter.” Sure, he hates Potter, but concerns surrounds his head as he stares at the bandages around Potter’s head and arm.

“Oh these? Nothing.” He covers the bandages with his long sleeves.


“Malfoy, I’m still suffering from Yesterday’s injuries you know? Can you leave me alone, even if it’s just for a minute?” Harry said with a smug.

“Have you not learned your lesson yet, Potter?” Draco grabbed Harry’s collar and his fist at Harry’s face. “Aiya, can’t you leave this oh hopeless boy alone?” Draco vision blacks out before he could respond.




“Sumida.. did you see?” Harry turns the newsapper to her. The bold words wrote Sumida Yamasaki, reported missing by classmates. Last seen: 1 day ago.

“Seriously? That was fast.” Sumida smiles and sips her tea, continuing her sketch of a sick little Potter in bed. “I think you should ditch being me once in a while and be yourself, y’know?” Harry smiles lightly.

“...” Harry stares at the wall silently. Maybe letting Sumida help him was a bad idea? Ughhh, if only if he could get out of bed and find Hermione and Ron.



“You understand what you did was wrong, right, Potter?”

“No. Would you care to explain?” A smug smile appeared on his lips. Snape held his fingers on his brows. Potter was getting harder and harder to get. Snape stares at Harry with annoyance, this boy was going up his nerves. Potter smiled smugly. Snape clenched his fists and slammed it on his desk.

“If you get annoyed easily, then how do you make friends, huh?” 

“Shut your mouth Potter.” Then he decided to pull the last straw.

“How about you shut it?”

“Potter! That’s it! Detention for 5 months!”

Potter smiles and leaned on his own hand. “Sucks to be me. Anyway, bye! See you.. when I kill your snakes.”

What.. is he.. going to kill a Slytherin?

“Ha! I’m joking. I'm not that bad..” Maybe.




“Jason, have they found any leads yet?” She clings onto his shoulder. “I can’t lose her!”

The boy sighs. “Clara, we need to wait a little longer. If Sumida fails to make an appearance after a week then the ministry will start their search.”

“She’s missing! She’s in danger! She never misses class, she’s not in her dorm either!” Clara yelled.



“Hey Jay.. is Clara doing okay?” Kristen asked, worried for his friend. Ever since Sumida disappeared, Clara has been very unstable. It’s like Sumida is her emotional support.

“No.. the bags under her eyes are getting darker..”


Jason flinches at the voice. “Sumida!?” He turns to face the voice.. Harry Potter. What’s he doing at the Slytherin table. He looked around, everyone was staring at Harry. “Hi there, are you okay? Are you worried about your missing friend?”

Harry’s POV:

Malfoy suddenly slams the table, interrupting my conversation with Jason. “Go away, Potter. What do you think you’re doing?”

I smiled. Can’t he see that I’m helping his snakes? What a bother.

“I’m merely just asking questions. About y’know? Sumida Yamasaki?” He looks at me then looks at Clara and Jason before scoffing. “Whatever.”

“So, uh Claire—”

Clara puts a finger on my lips. “How? How do you know Sumida’s nickname for me? You kidnapped her, didn’t you, Potter?”


“Clara! Stop!” Jason went to stop her from punching Harry. Everyone went silent and was staring at them, Clara still didn't back out.

“You.. monster.


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⏰ Last updated: May 05, 2023 ⏰

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