author pov: y/n was doing her dance practice while looking herself in the mirror and she was not warned about that the door was open of music room she was continuously but she didn't have any idea that someone was watching her, watching her every moves and every action and her clothes made that person to go to her and to dance with her. Her outfit was  white jacket plus white trousers. 

Tae pov: i was crossing from music room then i heard someone's footstep like someone is dancing then i decide to peak inside the room then i found my y/n, she was dancing i think she really took participate in the solo dance participation i smirk ...

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Tae pov: i was crossing from music room then i heard someone's footstep like someone is dancing then i decide to peak inside the room then i found my y/n, she was dancing i think she really took participate in the solo dance participation i smirk and decide to entered inside. 

y/n pov: i was doing dancing suddenly all lights go and the room left dark and that me scared i started shouting for know about if someone is here or not then i got panic and sat on my toes and keep my head between my knees and i was shaking in fear then suddenly i felt that someone is beside me i was not able to saw that properly because of darkness in the room then i moved my hands than i felt someone's face and then i moved then i grabbed someone's hair i spoke:

y/n: *in fear* is anyone here?

???: *smirk* yes did you recognised me?

y/n: *gulp* ta-tae 

Tae: what happened to you?

y/n: *without wasting time she hug him * 

Tae: *take relief breath and hug her back* don't worry nothing gonna happen

y/n: *nodded* 

Tae: * gave her water bottle* drink it

y/n: *took it and drink it*

Tae: come let's go 

y/n: *nod* 

Author pov: Taehyung was happy because he wanted a chance to get close to her but he didn't know about that y/n have a nyctophobia . Then Tae came out with y/n everyone got shocked because y/n got faint and fell on the ground and Tae got panic and told a boy to call doctor then university's doctor came and told  that she only panic attack that's why she got faint and then suddenly Emma came and she pushed little Tae and then she came near to y/n and asked her about health.

Emma: * worry* are you okay, y/n? how's this happened sudden

y/n: *calm* don't worry i'm fine i just got panic attack 

then suddenly doctor came and told to Emma that nothing to fear everything is fine she is also fine.

Doctor: btw who's friend of y/n here? 

then suddenly Emma and Tae both says 'me' 

y/n: *looked at tae* when?

Then tae realise and said 'Emma'


author pov: Emma and y/n said goodbye to each other and then y/n was about go but suddenly she heard someone is calling her name then she turned back she saw taehyung and she again got lost in him and she saw him running towards her after the thing happened with y/n that made her eye winded. Taehyung ran to her and hug her tightly. 

Tae pov: i was got worried about y/n because after college i want to see her and but i couldn't found her then i saw y/n was going in front of me then i shout her name and she turned back

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Tae pov: i was got worried about y/n because after college i want to see her and but i couldn't found her then i saw y/n was going in front of me then i shout her name and she turned back. Without thinking anything i just ran to her and hug her tightly.

y/n: *i was standing silently then he broke the hug* 

tae: * in worry tone* are fine y/n? how are you feeling? *while cupped her face* 

y/n : *still in confuse* yeah i mean yes i am fine but-

tae: *put my index finger on her lips* shhh! i just want to tell you something.

y/n: *same reaction* what?

Tae: i was the one who close the light but i didn't know about your anxiety.

y/n: * looked at him with teary eyes* 

Tae: i didn't mean-

y/n: i hate you tae we can never be a friend, i always thought that maybe you can be that person that who can understand me but your behavior always be same since the day i helped you and now i am going from here don't try to show me your face ever.

Tae: *panic* no y/n plss don't say like this just give me another chance. 

Author pov: y/n got angry after know about the truth she never expect this from taehyung and now he broke her hand heart, she was about to go from here but she felt that someone's hug her from back and said sorry but y/n was struggling to get free from him but the action tae did that make y/n shocked. 

tae: don't say like this i want to be your friend and don't say like this that you'll leave me i want  you with me every time, every moment, and i don't want you as my friend i want you more than that i just wants to say that I LOVE YOU Y/N i thin...

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tae: don't say like this i want to be your friend and don't say like this that you'll leave me i want  you with me every time, every moment, and i don't want you as my friend i want you more than that i just wants to say that I LOVE YOU Y/N i think i fell for you already please don't say no. 

y/n: *shocked* what- * before she could complete her word she cut by a kiss* 



wait for the next part 

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