Good VS Bad Magic

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「It's Not My Fault」

The Witch Child had her spell book opened and after quickly finding a spell she liked she aimed her wand and cast it, this resulted in her shooting a bunch of large puppy paws out of her magical wand, which not only blocked a bunch of large screws thrown at her, but it also smacked and slammed the young male into a nearby wall, no doubt breaking a few bones and even making him cough up some blood

"「Hehe, I see that you're a strong magic user, but how strong are you really?~」"

Though despite such a broken body, he couldn't help but smirk evilly and speak to her like nothing happened, not only that, but he was somehow able to instantly appear in front of her, as he reached out his hand and summoned a very demonic blood looking sword and swung it at the blonde child, which startled her


The Witch Child only had enough time to cast her next spell and teleport away from him and ended up a few feet behind him

"You mean wizard! You're supposed to only use magic spells! Not magic weapons!"

The Witch Child was upset to see her mortal enemy was being very unfair and fighting her in the incorrect way, which is using magic and not weapons, which only made him chuckle

"「Only wise rule following witches like yourself can use spells~」"

He picked up his scary demonic blood sword and licked the blade, purposely cutting his tongue and making it bleed, which made his young girl enemy shiver in disgust

"「But as a person of evil nature, I don't follow any kind of rules, since I'm so evil~」"

He charged forward and once again tried to swing his weapon down upon the magic girl


The Witch Child blocked the attack this time with some kind of magical force field, stopping the blade from ever reaching her

"「Which means I can use magic weapons~」"

He pressed his face against the shield and continued to give her a mocking smile, which made her get mad at him

"You Evil Wizards Are Always Unfair And Mean! [OGOINHST RSWABONI!]"

The Witch Child aimed her wand at his chest and cast another spell that allowed her to shoot a large rainbow blast at him, it didn't pierce his chest but it most certainly broke all of his ribs and had some of his bones stab into his lungs, all the while it sent him flying back and scraping across the floor hard, but even though he got hit pretty good, he was able to get back and was about to recklessly charge forward again, though by then the magic girl was able to find another spell on her book


This spell that the Witch Child cast was able to erase the weapon that her enemy wielded, but that was not enough to stop him from continuing to rush at her




The Witch Child also didn't stop with her spell casting, casting a shooting star that cut off his right arm, unleashed a unicorn horn shot straight into his eye, and unloaded multiple different types of candy pierce his body like bullets, but no matter what kind of magic she used, it didn't stop him from running towards her, using his free hand to summon a red twisted two prong pitchfork, he grabbed his newly crafted weapon and quickly thrust his deadly tool at the child, unfortunately, instead of stabbing her with his red pitchfork, it just simply broke once it made contact with her skin

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⏰ Last updated: Mar 13, 2023 ⏰

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