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Wednesdays were rather dreadful for Claire, so to speak. It was when they held school meetings.

And, she has to lead them. After all, she's president. It's not that she didn't like being president, she didn't mind.

If only she could say the same for the rest of the team.

When Claire first joined the school, she was made school president just a few months after. In their school, a student had to be in their school for at least a year before he or she could become president. However, she was president almost immediately after she joined.

At first, no one had a problem with that. After all, Claire was a nice girl and she was fit for the role.

But it's when jealous people like Sullyoon come into the picture. Sullyoon thought it wasn't fair that Claire could be a president that fast. That was the role that she was aiming for, and now that someone, rather incompetent, she had thought, had come in and stole the role away from her.

It also didn't help that she found out that Claire was the principal's daughter, which further proved her point that Claire Levine was a fraud who merely got to be president because of connections.

I mean, we'll never know the reason why she could become the president. Nevertheless, it wasn't Claire's fault and she was fit for the role. However, jealous and shallow people like Sullyoon can't seem to understand that.

Word spread fast, and since Sullyoon was that pretty girl in their school, everyone believed it quickly. Those people who never once had a problem with her before, started ignoring Claire and whispering at every chance they get when they see her walk past.

It was pretty bearable at first. Plus she had her friend Hazel, and very soon the other four. They told her to not mind those people.

And Claire didn't. I guess she could owe it to her friends who taught her not to give people who aren't worth your time any attention.

Although I think almost anyone can agree that we all have our weaknesses and falters.

It isn't easy pitching your ideas for school activities in front of at least 15 people who don't even want you to be there, who don't think you even deserve the role as president. It's also hard when the very same person who started that rumour is in your team.

Imagine having to stand in front of a group of people who don't even want you to be there, naturally Claire had grown to hate and dislike it.

And, plus, absolutely no one listens to her pitches and ideas, but when it comes to Sullyoon, everyone is immediately agreeable. Claire didn't dare tell any teacher about it because what can they do? Sullyoon would just pretend like nothing happened.

Shit, all this ranting to herself caused her to run late. She dashed to the meeting room and flung the door open. There, 15 wide eyed people were waiting, staring at her.

"Sorry, for running late, um, let's start?" Claire flashed a smile which nobody returned. She sighed as she took out her laptop.

In today's meeting, they were to start discussing and planning for the annual school dance. It was only the first few months of the year, and the school dance was on the last day of school. However, their teachers wanted them to start planning for it early. 

Anyways, it was a hella lot of work for them to do.

"Any ideas for the theme?" Claire asked.


"How about a masquerade ball theme? Or a red carpet Hollywood theme? Or-"

"I think a 90s theme dance would be really  good," a voice smirked from the table.

The room erupted in agreement.

So earlier no one was interested, now everyone suddenly agrees? Claire thought frustratedly.

"I think that idea is really good, Sullyoon. It's more creative and original, not from some teen show or whatever," a boy suddenly spoke up.

Claire inwardly rolled her eyes till they faced heaven, as Terry gave her a smug look across the table.

Yep, if it was unbelievable that Claire was a president, then why was Terry excused? That asshole literally does nothing to contribute... was what Claire thought.

"Right, since your idea is so much better  than mine and everyone likes it, we'll go ahead," she pointedly said while typing it in.

Hell, it was going to be a long year.


The only sounds that could be heard were the crunching of ice cubes as Lyra and Leah walked home together.

The stubborn girl finally let Lyra treat her to slushies. Worth it though, the weather was killing.

"How come you aren't in a rush today?"

"Nah he's coming back late today,"

The two girls found themselves near a park, so they decided to sit on the swings. "Hey Lyra,"


Leah sighed and sucked in her breath, as if she was already regretting what she was gonna say. "Do you ever wish that you were like them?"

Lyra knew who she was referring to, but she was still rather shocked by that question.

"Nope, never. For me, I think I'm pretty contented with my life right now," she said while chuckling, "I don't think I'll trade it for anything else,"

"Really? Not anything else?"

Yes, not anything else, Lyra thought, no point reminiscing all that shit, I need to learn to move on, right?  The pink striped hair girl nodded.

"And don't you ever think about that, Leah. Shit, you'll probably be a famous fashion designer (a/n: immediately though of world wide fashion designer lmao - but i had to keep the emo mood so-) one day, what they tell you has absolutely no effect," she snorted.

Yes, one day I'll be a famous fashion designer, that'll I'll be able to get out of that hellhole-

"Anyways ,anyways, enough with this mushy shit. Oh my god, you were rubbing off on me!"

Leah only laughed as the girl pretended to dust off her shirt and stood up, walking out of the park.

Damn, I am lucky to have such friends, 

(a/n: sorry for the longg wait again! ofc school decided to cram sm projects and tests as soon as march hols ended...anw this chap felt too short so added a fluffy filler yejisu chap ig? hope yall  enjoy 😘 )

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