A Few Days Left

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So my name is Danielle Green. Me and my friends is going to Dubai soon cause on One Direction concert. My friends rock. They are always there for me. So I want to take them with me. Allyson Chest, and Amber Bolt. Those girls SHIP ME HARD and when i say ship i mean SHIP SO FREAKIN' HARD. They ship me being with Niall. Niall us been my crush since he hasn't got puberty. So i ship them as well. I ship Ally with Louis, and Amber? Well she's with the *she said handsome* Harry, oohh and don't forget, ex-One Direction, Zayn of course.
*back to story*
"*sighs* till a couple days left till we will go to Dubai and counting to the concert!!" I said. "Oh God, I can't wait. Its for about 54 hours left till we will go to Dubai!" Allyson replied. "Your so good at math Ally! But wow, it's so fast." Amber said. And everything goes quiet as we imagine what will the concert look like. "Wanna go to the Starbucks?" I said. "Sure!" Allyson and Amber said together. So we went outside and went to Starbucks. As we arrived,we go and buy some juices. "Deli!" Allyson said. "I was so thirsty that time!" Amber told us. "


Thanks alot for reading until this far! If you are a fan of Niall, then you should wait until next chapter! Thanks alot for imagining! Ily

With love,

Instagram: @geonaaaoqi
Tumblr: @sleepingwifi

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