Track Six: I Had Too Much To Dream (Last Night)

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INTERVIEWER: First impressions of the band?

JUDY: Very typical of its time. I really got to be around most of them at a party, drunk.


After being practically shoved into the same grimy, old van for the second time that day, Judy didn't feel too good. But when the van finally came to a halt, she'd never felt better.

It was a hassle to get out - tangled limbs everywhere - but when they all did, the party really started.

Warren roared as he approached the bright house, fluorescent colours everywhere, clearly prepared to have the time of his life. Both Karen and Graham followed shortly, although Judy noticed Billy lingering behind for a few seconds longer before he went on his way. Naturally, Eddie was where he always seemed to be. At her side.

Looking over at him, Judy couldn't help but inquire, "You don't have any other person at this party to hang around?"

"Would much rather get to know you better," he admitted.

"And the rest of the band?"

"Hard to lose 'em. You'll hear 'em before you see 'em."

Catching wind of various 'woo's from the inside, Judy couldn't identify the voices as belonging to anyone other than Warren and Graham.

"You're not kidding," whistled Judy in reply.

"Yeah," he laughed, "You leave Warren alone for a minute and he's already on fix number five, Graham just follows him like a lost puppy."

After fixing each other drinks, Eddie and Judy sat in the quiet outside.

"What's the story then?" asked Judy, "Small hometown, big dreams?"

"Pretty much. It was Graham's band, he convinced Billy to join. Best and worst decision he ever made."

"Yeah, I noticed the tension," admitted Judy.

"He's a prick."

"I told you he's a dictator in denim. A complete control freak. I only had to glance at him to know that."

Shrugging, "You're right. But I've put my all into this band, upped and left at the word of some random guy."

"Why this band? Why not just leave? Find some other one?" inquired Judy. She felt herself treading dangerous ground with every additional question.

"Too late now," admitted Eddie, "The album is practically done and we'll be on tour soon. Why give up after everything we've gone through so far? I mean, Judy. We share a house an old woman died in only a month or two ago."


"What about you?" he asked.

"Me?" returned Judy, taken aback.

"You're phenomenal. Why aren't you in a band? Or chasing it solo?"

"How do you know I'm not?"

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⏰ Last updated: Mar 16, 2023 ⏰

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