a little more than friends..

Comenzar desde el principio

What time do you want me to pick u up?

Oh, no need
I'm already at Amber's

What? Did Chad take you or something
That little weasel, it's supposed to be my job to take you

No, no, Amber took me, actually


Yeah, she picked me up from school, a long story.
Talk when u get here?


Tara switched her phone off and put it in her pocket. Well, technically, Amber's pocket. (It was Amber's jeans, after all, or her jeans.. since Amber technically gave them to her..)

"Hey, T." Chad called from behind her, yelling over the music.

"Oh, hey, chad." Tara smiled. At least she wasn't alone here anymore. I mean, she had Amber, but Amber wasn't really that fond of Tara still and didn't want to just stand with her. That's what Tara thought at least.

"Where's Mindy? I thought she was coming with you?" Chad questioned, looking around for his twin.

"Oh, uh. I don't think she's here yet." Tara said, confused.

"What? Did Wes bring you?" Chad asked, raising an eyebrow.

"No, no, Amber did." Tara mumbled, but Chad still heard."

"WHAT?" Chad yelled over the music.

"Yeah, long story." Tara chuckled nervously.

"I'll take your word for it." Chad chuckled with Tara. "I'm gonna go find Liv. She's gone to get drinks."

"Mkay, bye." Tara waved to Chad as she walked away. Great, she's alone again.

Tara was bored and just leaned against the kitchen counter when a random guy from her history class came up to her.

"Hey, Tara!" Ethan called at her.

"Oh, hey, Ethan. What's up?" Tara said, surprised to see him here.

"Nothing much, just waiting for someone to arrive." Ethan chuckled.

"Samee, Mindy is taking forever." Tara giggled.

Amber was watching from a far, glaring Ethan down. Every giggle that left Tara's lips made Amber bite down on her own.

"Hey, soo, you want a drink?" Ethan suggested. Tara felt a bit uneasy at this request but brushed it off.

"Yeah, sure!" Tara giggled as she took a cup and started drinking it.

Tara was a couple of cups in when she started feeling the alcohol hit her, Tara started slurring and stumbling a bit.

"Hey, another!" Ethan slurred as he held another red plastic cup up.

"Yeah!" Tara slurred excitedly as he took another cup and was about to drink it when Mindy came stumbling towards her.

"Hey, Tara." Mindy giggled.

"Minnndyyyy." Tara slurred, excited to see her best friend.

"You're so drunk." Mindy chuckled.

"So drunk." Tara added it.

Then Mindy left, Ethan saw his friend and also left. Great, Tara was alone again.

"Hey." A random girl said behind her.

"Oh, hey." Tara said, looking her up and down, confused at who she was.

"Sorry, you don't know me, I just thought you looked alone." The girl giggled.

Tamber- EnimiesDonde viven las historias. Descúbrelo ahora