Chapter 9.

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"Hey, it's a wrong turn." I looked to the streets and it is definitely a wrong turn.
"No, it's fucking no. Don't tell me what's wrong or right" Harry turns the wheel again.

He stopped his car in a parking lot and turned of the engine. What the fuck? He brought me to a market. He supposed to take me straight home. It will be fucking awkward. What will happen? Fighting in front of the public? Smiling to everyone and everything's ok? Harry is a psycho person. First he's being mean and the next thing I know he's taking me to this place.

"Why are we going here?"
"Because I want to," Harry strokes his hair, "And I know you don't have a plan for the rest of the day."


I followed him to the markets. This place is too crowd, I wonder why any fans hasn't recognise Harry even though some girls did stare at him but he looked away. I walked right behind him and he didn't even look back at all. What if I got lost and he didn't even notice it? I know I'm overthinking but there's a chances to happen.

"Jenna" Harry looked back, I nod and he took my hand.

Fuck what is up with this guy. Although he's weird with this thing, I couldn't let go of his hand. Something about him makes me wonder and I couldn't speak to him in a way that I speak to Niall. They are just different even though they have lived forever and ever. Maybe they'll ended up as a happy ending. Who knows.

He waited in a line and left me to buy a some kind of pastry. Some how he came with 2 paper bags. He opened one of them and he gave the pastry to me. It's an eclair. I couldn't resist it, How does he know I love eclair?

"You're favourite, right?" Harry bit his own pastry.
"How do you know?" I bit my eclair
"Lucky guess," Harry shrugs, "They has the best taste of pastry."
"Well, I should have written it down to my list!" I laugh and he joins me laughing.

What the fuck with he's being nice? I have never thought he would laughing with me. So not Harry. Since yesterday, it has been fucking weird with every step I take. From Niall to Harry and everything. I looked at him eating his pastry and he has a great green eyes. His eyes distracted me from walking. There's something in his eyes.

"Don't fucking look at me like that" Harry scolds.
"Sorry," I said, "You're making me confused."
"I what?" he grabs his phone and answered the call.

Who is he calling with?

"Yeah, I'm still with your girlfriend, Niall," Harry said, "She talks too much and ask too much fucking question. It gives me headache"

I was offended. He doesn't even know me, besides the eclair. What the fuck? He ended up the phone and he put it back to his pocket then he continue to walk again without saying a word to me. What is wrong with him? So bipolar. I couldn't stand him. Maybe, I should talk about the other topics or maybe I could start a topic with what he was saying to Niall.

"What the fuck was that?," I said, "I'm not a fucking a girlfriend of Niall"
"Shut up" He starts the engine.
"And if you don't want me talking to you, you shouldn't even take me home. I just can take a cab" I almost open the car door and he grabbed my hand.
"Stay, it's not safe," Harry locked the car, "I owe Niall a promise to keep you safe."
"What is up with you, Harry? You're being nice and the next thing I know you use your mean words against me."

He didn't respond me even though he heard what I said about him. Such a weirdo. I shouldn't bring this topic to him. I could see that he doesn't like the topic that I bring out. He hates it. Fuck, if I can get in to his head and know what he's thinking, it would be a lot easier than being like this fucking situation.

I turned on his radio and it was cold play. Wow, same as my t-shirt. Coincidence?

"Nobody touches my radio" Harry turns the volume up
"You haven't answer my question" I turned the volume down.
"What is fucking wrong with you? It's my fucking radio." Harry turns the volume up, again.
"Well, I'm trying to get an answer from the question that I asked!" I raised my voice and turned the volume down
"You don't have to get an answer from everything that you ask! Not all question have to be answered." He turns the volume up, for the last time. What is wrong with him?

The rest of the road, we didn't talk except about giving him directions to my house and as soon as we arrived, he parked his car in front my house.

"Thanks" I got out from his car and walked to the door.

Shit, where's my goddamn key?

"Hey, there's a call for you." Harry walked behind me. I never thought he would catch up on me.
"From?" My voice was in a little bit shocked.
"Niall." He shrugs.

I picked his phone and answered it.

"I tried to call you but your phone was off" Niall explained.
"Yeah, I'm out of battery"
"So, tonight the one direction is having a party and I would like you to come, I'll pick you up as soon as I got out from this house."
"What time?"
"It's 4 by now, the party will start between 7 or 8 and I'll pick you up at 7 then?"

I hung up and gave Harry's phone back to him. I still couldn't find my keys. Where's the goddamn key? I rang the bell though and nobody opened the door.

"So, what are you doing here?" I noticed Harry's still standing behind me.
"Waiting for you to get in and make sure you'll be safe," Harry shrugs, "To report to Niall."
"I couldn't find my key, you should get back to your car."

He walked to in front of me and grabbed my bag. He's trying to find the key. He doesn't talk much to me. He just did it and he found the key.

"Here's your key" Harry gave it to me and he was looking at my eyes, so did I.

He's leaning in to me and I'm leaning in too him.
Until suddenly someone unlocked the door and I took a step back. It was Bianca who opened the door and she gasped, nearly fainted when she saw Harry Styles was in front of this house. She was speechless.

"H.. Harry, This is Bianca. My sister." I awkwardly gestures my hand to Bianca.
"Hey, Bianca. Nice to meet you" Harry smiles to her. Wow, he's actually being nice.
"Oh my god, I love everything about you. I love one direction so much and.. I couldn't believe that you're standing here. In front of my house." Bianca said and ran to Harry. Harry looks awkward and gave her a friendly smile.
"We should get inside, Bianca," I pulled her to get in to the house, "Thanks, once again."

I closed the door and thought about he was leaning in to me.
What the fuck did just happen?

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