Too young for that shit

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Requested by marvelgirl11111111: Y/N replaces Ellie in this chapter. She has been travelling with Joe for a while, and they stop in the woods for the night. They're sitting by the fire when they hear something in the bushes, and both go into panic mode. They find a bitten guy, and Y/N shoots him immediately. Joel is shocked at this, and how seemingly unaffected she is by killing the man. He has the 'you're just a kid, you shouldn't have to kill anyone' talk with her, prompting her to open up to him about the first live person that she had to kill.

*Couple of things:

1. As suggested by the request, Y/N replaces Ellie in this chapter, but she's older than Ellie is in this point, she's early twenties in this chapter, don't come for me for changing the age lol.

2. I am in NO way good at geography, and so I have mentioned a couple of places that I know Joel and Ellie end up at SOME point, they may not be completely accurate for this point in the story but again, there's no need to call me out for it or to be nit-picky, just enjoy the story lol :)

3. This is my final requested chapter for this book, so please either comment or message me if you have any more requests that you want me to do! Thank you, and enjoy xoxox*

The sound of birdsong filled the air around us, the only other noises being our feet breaking twigs and sticks as Joel and I walked through the Canadian woods. At least, I thought that we were in the Canadian woods. Sweat trickled down my forehead, my lungs heaving in my chest as I panted heavily. I had always been relatively fit, especially since having been in the military training school, but having to walk with Joel for hours upon hours a day, through thick shrubbery and with enough food for a week on our backs definitely took its toll. Though I was guessing that if I was struggling, Joel was definitely struggling.

"Joel." I panted, my eyes squeezing shut and my hands resting tiredly on my hips as I stopped.

"Y/N, don't even say it." He scoffed and shook his head as he looked down at me from further up the hilly path.

"Don't lie and say that you're not tired. Come on, please, we've been walking all day and it'll be getting dark soon." I desperately tried to convince him. Joel sighed and looked around, his eyebrow raising telling me that he was warming up to the idea of stopping before he nodded.

"Okay, you're right, it'll be dark soon. We'll find somewhere flat and covered to set up camp. Five more minutes." He nodded to me. I sighed and returned the nod before starting to walk up to Joel, the man waiting for me before we both started to walk together again.

"Fucking finally." I groaned, making Joel look at me sternly as I slumped down against the log so that we were both facing the fire that Joel had built.

"I thought that you were meant to be fit being in the military school." He scoffed.

"Come on, man, it's been, what, two and a half months since I got taken from that place?" I returned the scoff.

"True, I guess." Joel nodded in return before putting another piece of rabbit into his mouth. I wasn't wrong, it had been almost three months since I'd been travelling with Joel, and despite how closed off Joel still seemed sometimes on the surface of things, I wasn't blind to the fact that I was no longer just cargo to him. I had no doubt that I had been when he had originally agreed to take me to the Fireflies to make a cure out of my immune blood, but we'd been through so much together in this time that I at least saw him now as my protector, as someone who I could no longer live without. And I hoped that I'd never have to.

"So, how far do we still have until Wyoming? Surely we must be close by now." I scoffed as I also put pieces of cooked rabbit into my mouth. Joel sighed and shook his head, the man getting out the map and opening it up before scanning his eyes over the various lines and words.

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