"You hurt her, I shoot your brains out"

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Requested by superpotteramerica: Joel is very protective over Y/N, as they're basically father and daughter. Y/N, Joel and Ellie are trying to get to Wyoming when they find an injured boy. Joel helps him to recover and Y/N and the boy start taking a liking to each other. Joel doesn't like this, but he talks about it with both the boy and Y/N, and after this, gives them his blessing.

"I'm going."

"Like hell you are." Joel scoffed in return, his eyes rolling at me as I continued to shove my stuff into my backpack, just like my adopted dad had been doing only minutes earlier.

"Why the fuck not?" I spat as I turned to face him.

"Don't swear at me-."

"Why not?" I pushed. Joel narrowed his eyes at me.

"Y/N, you're not a stupid kid-."

"Why thank you." I responded sarcastically.

"For fucks' sake, Y/N. You're not a stupid kid, you know what's out there. So, no, you're not coming." He continued adamantly as he crossed his arms over his chest. I clenched my jaw at him, Joel simply shrugging and raising an eyebrow at me.

"I'm going."

"No, you're not."

"I'm twenty, Joel, I'm an adult-."

"And I'm not prepared to lose another daughter." He suddenly blurred out. My eyes wavered as he said that, my heart dropping slightly at his words. I looked up at him, Joel's eyes showing the same pain that they always did when we talked about Sarah. I sighed and let go of my bag, Joel opening his arms as I walked towards him. I wrapped my arms around his middle, my eyes closing and my head resting against his chest as he returned the hug. I had been living with Joel for the last ten years, since he'd found me almost dead when I was only ten. My parents had been killed by infected, and it had been a miracle that Joel had been out scavenging, and had found me mere minutes before my parents turned. He'd looked after me ever since, hence why I considered him my dad, and me his daughter. Joel had been there to get me out of tight spots from the second that we met, and so I'd always love him for that. Though even I had to admit that him being so protective of me sometimes had its downsides, like now. Joel and Tess had just agreed reluctantly to transport this girl to another Firefly base in Wyoming, and despite Joel's adamance that I wasn't going, I was. I definitely was.

"You know that I love you for always protecting me. But I'm an adult now, I'm twenty. You know that I have to go out into the world anyway for scavengers and hunts, why can't I do this too?" I mumbled. Joel sighed and took my arms, his grip pulling me back slightly so that he could look at me as he leant down slightly to be at eye level with me.

"Because this isn't just a scavenge, or a hunt. There are other people out there who will kill to get this kid, more so than normal. And you know that I will never forgive myself if something happens to you." He shook his head.

"And I'll never forgive myself if something happens to you." I returned. Joel sighed and gave me one of his rare small smiles, making me return it as I could see him giving in.

"You're not letting this one go, are you kid?" He checked.

"Nope." I shook my head. He chuckled and returned the head shake before letting my arms go and straightening back up again.

"Okay. Alright then. But you need to pack your gun, load it, pack extra ammo. But the most important thing, what's my one rule?" He checked again.

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