01: A Mother's Love

316 19 4

Mother, mother, please don't cry,
I didn't mean to hurt you.
Even though I'm not alive,
My love for you is still true.

Mother, mother, I couldn't take it,
It got too much for me.
My scars became my nightmares,
I couldn't bare the memories.

Mother, mother, I did not care,
You and I both knew,
I was far beyond repair,
It was worthless to continue

Mother, mother, don't blame yourself
you know it was all in my head.
It's not like you told me what I couldn't do,
And you would rather that I'm dead.

Mother, mother, I think I'm mistaken
I'm confusing you and I.
My Insanity is because of you making
Arrangements for me to die.


a/n: the inspiration for this poem, well there isn't really much. this one was one of those that just came to my head.

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