He thought about one song that he used to listen to, he started to hum the song while whistling it as well. Just doing this seemed to liven up his mood as he got off the wall and danced a little. However, he immediately stopped when he heard some noise coming from the door open despite having the water running.

Y/N 'thought': Oh great. The perverted rabbit is here.

He heard giggles coming from the other side as he had a pretty good idea of what she was trying to do. Playing along with it, he acts like he didn't hear her continuing with his shower. As he did this, he saw someone getting closer while holding a glass of water. Just as they tried to pour the water onto him, he quickly smacked it back as it water poured on them which earned a shriek.

???: AGH!!!


Reiko: Oh come on~!! Why do you have to be so mean!!!


Reiko: What? Don't you want to shower together~?


Reiko: Oh come N/N~. It'll be fun~

She tried to open the shower door but was greeted by a blast of cold water.

Reiko: AGH!!!! THAT GOT IN MY EYES!!!!!

Y/N: GET RABBIT!!! Said as she sprayed with the shower head.

Reluctantly she was forced to get out shutting the door behind her. He let out a sigh before turning the water back to hot and enjoying his shower for a bit before getting out. Once he got out, he dried himself off and headed back to his room to put on some new clothes. After putting on new clothes, he headed to the kitchen seeing Kyoko was making breakfast.

Y/N: Morning.

Kyoko: Good morning. Sleep well?

Y/N: Meh.

Kyoko: You stayed up all night, didn't you?

Y/N: Yeup. Guilty as charged.

She didn't say anything as she whacked him on the head with a wooden sword rather hard, leaving a nasty bump. Y/N fell to his knees holding his head in pain and gritting his teeth.

Y/N: Ow ow. That hurt.

Kyoko: That's what you get for staying up all night playing those games. You're lucky that you have three days off.

Y/N: I-I know. Still, do you have to hit me with a wooden sword? That utterly hurts.

Kyoko: Well, it helps you to learn. Said smiling.

Y/N groaned in annoyance while Kyoko giggled. Reiko and Jazmin joined them as they ate breakfast. After eating breakfast, Y/N went to find a quiet spot away from everything as he wanted to take a nap. However, right before he was about to do so, Jazmin grabbed him by the collar causing him to stop.

Y/N: H-Hey, Jazmin, what the hell?

Jazmin: You're coming with me, right now.


Jamzin: Quit your whining!! We're going to spar, right now!!

Y/N: EHHHHHH!?!?!?!

As such, she dragged him to the training hall which he hated. When they got to the training hall, she threw him onto the main floor before walking to the equipment room.

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