Twas the Night Before Holiday

Start from the beginning

Sirius narrowed his eyes at him, trying to figure out what he meant, "Are you going to sleep with him?"

'That's the last thing he wants.' Regulus thought bitterly before sighing, "No, Sirius. I am not going to sleep with him. Please go so I can do this."

Sirius huffed, "If this isn't fixed by end of day, I'm intervening." He threatened, walking away.

Regulus watched as a girl walked in and he walked over to her.

Her name was Rose. She was a sixth year half blooded Huffelpuff with long black hair and, the deciding factor, her bright green eyes.

"Okay so he's over there in the back. We understand each other though right? No feelings involved. This isn't going to lead to a romantic ask out where you two start dating and someday have a bunch of little babies. It's just... sex."

Rose shook her head, "I don't see why you care but I got it."

He nodded swallowing down his pride as he led her to James, "Hi." He whispered.

James looked at him, surprised he was talking, "So we're talking again?" He asked somewhat cautiously.

Regulus didn't answer his question, instead motioning to the woman, "This is Rose."

"Nice to meet you." James nodded never taking his eyes off Regulus, "Can we please talk about the past week?"

Regulus looked over at Rose, "Just... give us a moment." He whispered before grabbing James' hand and pulling him to a secluded corner, "She's pretty right?"

"I guess."

"You guess? Did you see her eyes? Really look at them."

"Yeah, she's pretty. Can we talk about us?"

"So you do like her?"

James shook his head, "I guess? I don't even know her!"

"Great! She's- she's for you."

He blinked, "What?"

Regulus nodded trying not to scowl, "She's yours. Don't worry, she understands love is never going to happen you're head over heels for Evan's and blah blah blah." He rolled his eyes trying his best to seem normal.

James stared at him, "Why are you- are we broken up, Regulus?"

Regulus just smiled somewhat stupidly, "You said you loved me."

"I do. I do love you."

"But you can't have sex with me."

"That's not what I said."

"It's implied." His smile faltered and he was really trying not to get mad at James and to understand him, "You don't trust me enough to do the things in that book with me why would you trust me enough to sleep with me? I don't want to argue. Does she work or not? Because I have a bloke on standby but I figured you'd want a woman. He does have red hair but his eyes aren't green."

James narrowed his eyes, placing his hands on Regulus' arms, "Are you high right now?" He whispered looking into his eyes.

"If you must know yes."

"You wouldn't be doing this if you were sober, Regulus. I'm not having this conversation with you like this."

"It's the only way you're getting me." He responded, "I can barely look at you sober from the pain it causes me. I love you, James. Why else would I be putting myself through more pain to do this for you? If you wait until I'm sober I won't be able to have this conversation."

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