Chapter 1: White Spots

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The turtles were now 17, everyone was celebrating, everyone but Donnie. Donnie felt like something was missing. And that missing something was in his head. While everyone was talking and distracted, he left for the lab and took out a device he has been working on. One that will monitor one's brain. He has yet to test it but now was a good time, he thought. He strapped everything needed to the right spots. "All that's left is to press this button." He hovered his finger over the button. "Come on. You're a genius Donnie, there's no way you made a mistake, you'll be fine." He told himself. After a few seconds and intensely looking at the button, he pressed it. It sent a shock throughout his whole body, and the next thing he knew, everything started to blur. His head rested on his arms on the table. His eyes drifted close and his mind went blank. Like a blank page with no writing on it.

Mikey noticed that Donnie had left. "Donnie left without even eating pizza!" He whined.
"He's probably in his lab again." Raph said.
"That's weird." Leo looked over at the lab door to see it slightly open. "Doesn't Donnie close the door when he leaves to spend a long time in his lab?" He reminded them. The others looked over at the lab
"It seems quiet too." April pointed out. "Maybe we should check up on him." Leo was first to stand up.
"April's right. I'll go in first to make sure." He said, walking over to the lab. The rest followed. When Leo entered the lab, he saw Donnie wired up to some machine, producing slight electricity, running through Donnie's from not just the inside but outside. Donnie himself was knocked out with his head resting in his arms on the table. Leo immediately went to see what this device was.
"What's happening to him?" April asked.
"Isn't that the weird device he made to...look at the brain or something?" Mikey asked. They all looked at him. "What? I pay attention, you know. I'm not just a pretty face."
"That would mean these shocks or whatever they are are going into his brain. We need to turn it off." Leo stated.
"Okay then. If you remember Donnie talking about this, how do we turn it off, Mikey?" Raph asked.
"I don't know. Maybe we should just rip them off?"
"But that might hurt him or even kill him. We don't know what could cause anything." Casey said. "Doesn't electricity burn your brain?"
"Not exactly but it could." April said.

Donnie felt tired, his whole body felt heavy. His eyes started to open. All he saw were random colours. His hearing was worse. All he heard were buzzing noises. After some time though, his vision had stabilised and he was able to hear voices of his friends and family. "So our options right now are just to rip the wires off?" Raph asked. "I think it could work." Donnie managed to raise his head and fall back on the chair. His body still felt heavy.
"What are you all doing here?" He asked.
"Donnie, you're alright!" Mikey shouted.
"Of course I am. Why wouldn't I be?" He asked. He looked at their faces, they all seemed...Worried?

"What's this device on you?" April asked.
"It reads the activity of the brain and looks to see if there's any problems...I guess one of the side effects of using it is that you fall asleep." Donnie turned the device off. "Now if you could, please leave. I've got research to do." He started to take off all the strapped wires on him. The others started to leave. If Donnie says he's fine and he woke up, that should tell them that everything is okay.

Donnie looked at the scans but nothing seemed weird. His brain was...Blank. Why did that seem normal to him? Parts of the brain were blank as if nothing was there. So why did it look right for Donnie? As a scientist he would immediately realise. So why? "What's those weird white spots?" Donnie turned around to see Mikey.
 "Hm? What white spots?"
"You don't see them?" Mikey pointed at them but saw how Donnie didn't see anything wrong. That was when he left and dragged the others over. "Tell us, are there weird white spots?" Mikey asked.
"Yes?" They answered.
"See!" Mikey shouted.
"Mikey there are no weird white spots. Everything is fine with my brain."
"Donnie, maybe those shocks messed with something. There are clearly white spots."
"Who's the scientist here? Me, and if I say there are no spots I mean it!" He shouted. "Everything is fine with my brain!" They looked at him with a worried look.
"What are those white spots?"
"For the last time there aren't any spots!" Donnie looked over to see Splinter. "Sorry for shouting."
"My son, are you sure you're okay?"
"Yes, I'm fine. Why are you all thinking that something's wrong? Even the scan says my brain is fine." By the looks on everyone's faces it didn't seem so. "I'm going up. Don't follow I want to be left alone for a while."


I'm working on 3 books now for tmnt. So each chapter may take a while each. And I'm working on a cover but it will take a while.

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⏰ Last updated: Mar 12, 2023 ⏰

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