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Breakfast was tense and awkward, and everything in between. Finnick glanced at Y/N and Lio, who glared at each other every minute. Y/N gripped her butter knife tightly, holding herself back.

"It's individual assessment day. Are you guys ready?" Finnick questioned, breaking the awkward silence.

"Of course." Y/N muttered, "I was born ready."

"I wish you hadn't been born at all." Lio retorted. Y/N chucked her blunt knife at him, hitting Lio in the face.

Y/N quickly wiped her mouth with a napkin, standing up. "I'm done. I'm going to get some extra training in before the assessment."

The tension was still thick as Y/N hurried off, desperate to escape the same space as Lio. She quickly exited the elevator, accidentally bumping into the District One boy walking in.

"Ow! Watch where you're going- Oh, it's you. Y/N, right?" Marvel slowly pointed at her as he tried to remember her game.

"Yes. You're Marvel." Y/N only remembered his name because it was the same as a movie franchise.

"Cato's in the training room, so if you wanna get in some extra action, now's your chance." Marvel playfully grinned, waving at Y/N as the elevator doors slid shut.

Y/N stood there momentarily before shaking her head and shoving the doors to the training room open. Cato tensed, thinking it was a random tribute. When he saw it was only Y/N, his shoulders dropped.

"Jeez, you scared me." He huffed, slicing another dummy's head off. Y/N caught it, observing the clean cut.

"Nice." She uttered, chucking it back at Cato.

"Last night was fun, despite our little argument over your weapon. I still don't believe you, by the way. Maybe next time we can kiss and you can tell me your weapon." Cato flashed Y/N his usual flirty smirk.

"You sure there's going to be a next time?" Y/N asked, raising an eyebrow.

"I hope so. Otherwise, I'll be reduced to kissing dummies again." He nodded over at the dummies he had recently sliced open.

Y/N lightly snorted and laughed. "Have you actually done that?"

"I've done many things I'm not proud of," Cato admitted.

"You could've just said no. I would've believed you."

"Compulsive liars are good at seeing lies."

Y/N quirked an eyebrow as she walked closer to Cato. "You still believe I'm a compulsive liar?"

"More or less. You haven't told me your weapon yet, so I'll keep calling you one until you tell me."

Y/N huffed in disbelief. Cato was being so petty. However, she had been desperate to grab a spear and throw it. Now was her chance. It was only her and Cato. Nobody else would know.

"I'll give you a clue. Marvel." Y/N expected Cato to put two and two together, but she overestimated him.

"Like the movie franchise? Are you Spider-Man?"

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