The Thing, kinda

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Season 1, Episode 4.5


[Buffy, Willow, Xander, and Giles are gathered around a table in the library. Buffy's face is scratched, Xander's clothes ripped, and Willow has dirt smears on her face. Giles is flipping through a dusty tome, while the others chat.]

XANDER: So, I was thinking we could hit up the Bronze tonight.

GILES: (smiling) Ah, yes. The Bronze. The perfect place to unwind after a hard day of fighting the forces of darkness.

XANDER: (nodding) Exactly. And who knows? Maybe we'll even run into some vampires on the way.

WILLOW: (rolling her eyes) Oh, Xander. Always thinking with your stake.

BUFFY: Haven't you had enough for one night?

XANDER: I got a second wind, really wanna go at it again, you know?

WILLOW: Are you sure you're talking about fighting demons?

XANDER: No. So, Bronze?

BUFFY: It's closed, remember? We kinda trashed it last week.

XANDER: Yeah but, that was LAST week, I thought things got all nice and shiny again after about a week, isn't that the unspoken rule we have in this town?

WILLOW: Tell it to the construction guys.

XANDER: Fine, maybe rent a movie then? Sleep over? Cozy jam-jams and talkin' bout boys?

WILLOW: (excitedly) Oh, can we see that new sci-fi flick? I heard it's really good.

BUFFY: (sarcastically) Yeah, because nothing screams "slayage recovery" like a night in with the pals. I'm more of a stare at the wall and think about my life choices kind of recover-er.

GILES: (clearing his throat) Speaking of stakes, I believe I may have found a reference to the demon you all faced tonight.

BUFFY: No offense Giles but the whole point of killing a thing is to, you know, kill it. As in, be done with. Speaking of which, why'd you call us back here? I wanted to neck deep in a bubble bath by now.

WILLOW: Staring at the ceiling?

BUFFY: You know it.

GILES: Yes, of course. But after you all explained its strange properties I figured it would be safer to know more about it which is why I asked you all here to help me research...

[Giles looks up, Xander is wrist-deep into a bag of chips, Buffy's leaning back on her chair and Willow is writing in a notebook.]

GILES: Well, at least Willow's helping out.

WILLOW: Actually this is chem homework...

[Giles sighs]

GILES: Right... well it's a good thing you all came, something about this demon apparently lingers after it's physical body has been killed. I don't quite have the full translation down but, it says here the soul of the demon attaches itself to its executioners until...

BUFFY: Until??

GILES: One moment..

BUFFY: No moments! Giles I killed this thing! I killed it good! I don't want it's soul mingling with my soul, doing soul mingling stuff!

WILLOW: I helped her kill it! And, Ooh! Remember how it looked all... frisky? What if she's right? What it's it's all, soul-mingly?

GILES: Xander, did you help kill it? The final blow I mean?

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