Background: Syl Nox

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As a young boy, Syl never knew his mother. He only knew his father, Vaughn, and the fact that he was a Half-Elf. No one in his village let him live that down since he was the only one among a whole village of humans who raised cattle and grew crops.

At the age of 10, Syls' curiousity got the better of him when he ran across some unmarked journals whilst cleaning the attic looking for some rope for his father. Upon opening them, he learned about his mother. Her name was Xyrxina. She was an adventurer who traveled around slaying monsters and learned to use her Elven magic to craft battle machines. Artificer was the offical term written down amongst the journals.

After a few years of learning to become an Artificer, Syl felt like there was more to life. Around this time, he was becoming more and more popular among the ladies. The men too. Once he was old enough he started hanging around the pubs in surrounding towns and villages that were close enough to home.

One night, he heard the most beautiful voice. In his drunken stupor, Syl staggered to the young woman and asked what she did for a living. As their conversation went on, he learned that Bards like herself had their own college and that everyone is welcome there.

Everyone is welcome..

The next morning, after managing to sneak out of the pile of naked and beautiful bodies, Syl set out to become a Bard. Once he graduated he set out to tell tales of love, war, death, and to maybe find out more about his mother.

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