Chapter 2-Love

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FYI: f/b/f means (favorite breakfast food) and f/c means (favorite color)

Y/n's POV:
When bob finished dinner and by the time we ate it, it was already pretty late, so he picked me up bridal style like he does every night and took us to bed. Our bedroom was a dark maroon color with some dark blue and green decor, this was my favorite room in the house because me and Bob decorated it together. He set me down in our blue and red sheets and tucked me in giving me a kiss on the forehead then made it to his side of the bed.
"I have a surprise for you Tomorrow"
He said while whispering.
"Great now I won't be able to sleep"
I said throwing my arms in the air.
Bob giggled and pulled me into a cuddle.
"I'm sure you will, if I hold you close enough"
I rolled my eyes and held onto him, I guess he's right.

I woke up to a familiar smell f/b/f! I turned over to look at the clock..10:47! Shit I overslept I need to feed the chickens! I hoped out of bed and ran to the front door tripping over my feet to put my boots on. Bob took notice and grabbed me and picked me up and sat me on the dinning room chair.
"I already feed the chickens"
He said while laughing.
He feed them? He Fucking hates scarlet, why would he feed them?
He went back to the kitchen and handed me my f/b/f "what's the accession?"
His behavior has been really weird, maybe it's the surprise he has planned, or was this the surprise?
"I'll get ready for our walk!"
I said while putting my plate in the sink.

When I finished getting ready for our walk I made sure to put my snow boots since it seemed to snow last night. I met Bob hand in hand and started walking with him down our usual path before bob took a sharp turn through the trees.
"Bob? We're we going?"
"I've wanted to take you here since the moment you told me 'I love you' it's really special, you'll love it"
I started to get excited, I'm guessing this was the surprise.

After walking for about 15 minutes we made it to a clearing, there was a frozen over lake that had a thin layer of snow, with trees surrounding the lake, while I was admiring the few I heard a crunch of snow. I turned to my side to see Bob on one knee. I gasped and put my hand over my mouth while looking at him with wide eyes.

"Y/ love, this passed year we've been through so much, and with every step I knew I wanted to be with you. Since the first night we've shared a bed together and I got to hold your perfect body next to mine, I knew I'd protect you, and keep you. With the bottom of my heart I'm begging you.."

He then pulled out a box from his pocket to reveal my favorite gem/stone.

"Will you marry me?"

I took my hands off my mouth and gave him the biggest smile. I tackled him to the ground and I heard a load thud and groan from Bob.
"Sorry! But yes! I thousand times yes!"
I attacked him with kisses, ones on his cheeks,forehead,and lips. He held onto me giggling while I kissed him all over. When I finally got off of him he slid the ring on my finger, I smiled the whole time. I gave him a kiss and we walked back.

Once we walked back Bob did most of the house work and he worked on the garden, all I had to do was clean the dishes. Once hecstepped inside he threw his snow boots by the front door and walked over to me. He gave a big bear hug, I immediately squeezed him back, he kissed my head then pulled my face to meet his and kissed my forehead.
"I love you so much darlin"
"I love you to my love"
We hugged for a little while longer, swaying side to side before letting go

Bob made me one of my favorite lunches and a cup of tea and we started watching our favorite show. When I was finished with my food,tea cup in hand. I rested my head on bobs shoulder, and he put his arm around my shoulder,pulling me closer to him.

He abruptly turned off our show and played one of my favorite records.
"May I have this dance"
He said while putting his hand out for me to grab,such a charmer.
"Of course"
I grabbed his hand and he put is other hand on my waist,while I put my free hand on his shoulder. He swayed me side to side,doing an accessional spin.I got tired so we danced with little movement and I rested my head on his chest.
"What kind of wedding should we have?"
I asked now really excited.
"Well I was thinking we'd go to the court house to change your know dress up for the accession."
Bob told me, I don't really think he planned this far ahead.
"Should we decorate the house?"
I asked.
"Well of course we should,what color scheme would you like?"
"Maybe a lightly colored f/c?"
"Anything for you"
We shortly stopped dancing and Bob went to make us some food. While bob was cooking I decided to go out to our flower pots to get some flowers for some decor. I picked some lilies,baby's breath,and a few roses. I got some vases from the shed and started decorating the house with the flowers.

After finishing up the floral decor bob also finished with dinner,steak with a side of potato's and asparagus. We quickly finished up with our food,and cleaned up after words,and bob picked out a movie for us to watch.

I can't believe I'm getting married.

Are you though 🧐?

Is it really the end? (Bob x reader) part 2Where stories live. Discover now