By the time you had gotten everything right, the sun was setting. You made yourself some dinner, relaxed in your bed with a book, and then slept.

You awoke the next morning well rested and ready to get to work. You took care of your plants and animals before heading inside to make yourself some coffee, eggs and toast. After breakfast, you changed and went outside.

Today you had decided to introduce yourself to some of the other residents and pick up some more feed.

Taking the path south to your house, you walked over to Marnie's Ranch. A little ways away from the ranch was a small little cabin. Your main focus was getting hay however.

You knocked on the door to Marnie's and heard a woman say "Come in!"

"Good morning," you greet her with a smile.

"(Y/n)! What a delightful surprise," she walks around the counter and pulls you in for a hug.

"Oh- wow. Pierre wasn't lying, word does get around fast."

Marnie laughs. "Indeed it does. What is it you need, baby?"

You got the hay you needed, stored it inside your bag, and followed the path into town.

Ahead of you, you saw a blond haired man attempting a kickflip on his skateboard. You steered clear as to not get hit, but luck had other things in mind.

As he stumbled off his board after a failed attempt, he sent it flying directly to you. It clashed into your ankles, tripping you. At least your bag full of hay cushioned your fall.

"Shit! I'm so so sorry! Ah, shit. Fuck. This is not a very good first impression is it," the man says, reaching a hand out to help you up.

You spit a piece of grass out of your mouth and grab his hand, allowing yourself to be pulled up. "Not really, no," you chuckle dryly.

"Man, I'm sorry. Are you okay? You're not hurt or anything?"

"Besides a bruised ego? Nah." You give him a small smile.

"I'm Sam by the way."

"(Y/n). Also you can let go of my hand now."

"Shit, sorry!" He pulls his hand away and walks over to pick up his skateboard.

"Well, despite the circumstances, it's nice to meet you, Sam."

He grins. "You're pretty chill. I'm surprised you aren't flipping out on me."

"It was just an accident, no big deal. Although, I would advise you to be more careful in the future."

"Yes, ma'am," he salutes jokingly.

"Alright, well, I'll see you around," you turn and walk off. Your ankle was a little sore but not bad. The most you'd have a bruise, if that.

"Hey, wait!" You look over your shoulder and see Sam jogging up to you. "Let me make it up to you."


"For hitting you with my board. I'll buy you a drink this Friday evening." He smiles.

"Wow, flirting with the new girl already. You're quite eager," you tease.

"W- no- wait that's not what I meant!" You were amused to see that his ears were red from embarrassment. "You see, me and my friends meet up on Friday at the saloon. I figured I could introduce you to them. If you'd like.." he trails off, now unsure.

"I'm teasing you, dude. I'll be there," you smile and his face lights up.

"Awesome! I'll see you then!" He hops back on his board and skates off.

Now, time to continue your 'mission' for today.

You walked around town and found yourself near Joja Mart. You had been told it wasn't the best place to shop, but you were curious as to what they had. You entered the store and took a look around.

It looked like any normal grocery store, except cleaner and with more self advertisements.

There was a lady working the register, a man recruiting new members, and a man restocking the shelves.

You perused the aisles, taking note of their inventory. Nothing had really caught your eye except the cereal. As you walked down the row of different cereal brands (all Joja brand exclusives) you tripped yet again. Lady luck was shitting and stomping on you today, you were usually not this clumsy.

"Are you fucking kidding me," you heard a man grumble.

You had tripped over a stock box, sending "Joja Cheesy Mac" boxes across the floor. Standing a few feet away from you was a man with dark brown hair.

"Crap, I'm so sorry." You stand up and look at him only to flinch. His dark green eyes were filled with hate as he glared at you.

"Watch where you're going," he impatiently picks up the boxes.

"I said I was sorry. Here, let me help," you bend down to pick up one but he snatches it before you can.

"I don't need help, let alone from you. Piss off."

Jeez. Okay so here was one of the assholes.

"I'm sorry. We got off on the wrong foot, I'm (Y/n)." you do your best to give him a warm smile.

He stares at you with a blank expression. "Honestly, I don't give a fuck. Shut up and leave me alone."

Your eye twitches but you decide it's best to leave him alone. You grab a box of cereal, pay, and storm out.

"God.. I need a drink after today." you mumble to yourself on your way home.

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