Chapter 1

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It was a bright new and important day for Noelle.Today was officially the first day of her Junior year in Clover High.

Noelle quickly got out of bed and got ready for school.She ran out of her room and walked downstairs to find her siblings setting the table for breakfast

Nozel:Ah Noelle come eat with us before school

Noelle:oh uh sure

Once all siblings have finished their breakfast both Noelle and Nozel got ready to go to Clover High.

Nozel:Would you like me to take you to school

Noelle:No thank you Mimosa has already offered me a ride to school.

Nozel:Ah okay I guess I'll see you at school

Noelle:Yes..I will see you at school

Nebra and Solid both cringed at Nozels and Noelles awkward interaction.They've always knew that Nozel would always desperately try to make conversation with Noelle since they didn't have exactly an "ideal" sibling relationship.But nonetheless they've always kept quiet and never disturbed they're interactions no matter how awkward.

Noelle could see Mimosas car drive into the Silvas estate.So she quickly grabbed her backpack and walked outside.

Once Noelle was in Mimosa's car she quickly noticed all of the trash and makeup that has collected in Mimosa's car.

Noelle:Ugh seriously Mimosa when are you gonna clean your?Its like a pig pen in here.

Mimosa:Wow that's the first thing you say No "Hello Mimosa how are you doing today" or "Thank you so much Mimosa for driving me to school on the first day"??

Noelle:I'll say all of those things after you clean this car.

Mimosa:Whatever Noelle you're just jealous cause I have a car and a drivers license.

Noelle:What I'm literally not even jealous.

Both Noelle and Mimosa started laughing at their silly conversation

Mimosa:So think there's gonna be any new cute boys at Clover High this year?

Noelle:No probably the same old boring people from last year.

Who would guess that Noelle was wrong and there was gonna be in fact new faces in Clover High


Author's Note:

Hey guys this is my first ever fanfic of Black clover and I can't tell if it's good.😭😭
Probably gonna have slow updates since this FanFiction is just for fun.Sorry for the short chapters.

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