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Description: A golden bengal she-cat with yellow eyes and a paralysed leg

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Description: A golden bengal she-cat with yellow eyes and a paralysed leg

Clan: MorningClan
Role: Leader
Remaining Lives: 5/9

Kit: Heatherkit
Apprentice: Heatherpaw
Warrior: Brokenleg, Heatherdapple
Deputy: Heatherdapple
Leader: Heatherstar

Mother: Appleflight (deceased)
Father: Leopardfang (deceased)
Sisters: Goldenpaw (deceased), Lynxpaw (deceased), Yellowstripe
Brother: Larchear
Daughter: Dawntail
Grandson: Foxpaw

Mentor: Silverclaw
Apprentice: Tawnyclaw, Aspenburr

Juniperclan/Morningclan/Duskclan/Lakeclan Character designsDove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora