Sometimes you just need a push

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Harry's eyes widen as his arm is gripped tightly by someone and he is pulled into an empty classroom. His eyes gaze at the hand on his arm before following the limb, his gaze meeting no other than Pansy Parkinson's hard glare. Pulling his arm away swiftly from the Slytherin's grasp, and opening his mouth he tries to find his words before realizing he can't find them and closing it again. Pansy smirked while watching the Gryffindor's confidence waver slightly. "Don't worry Potter. I'm not here to hex you. I have something you may be interested in knowing." This catches the green-eyed boy's attention, causing his words to come rushing back to him. "What could you possibly have that I would want?" He says, his hand loosely wrapping around his wand as a caution though his curiosity is beginning to take over more and more. "It's about Draco. He goes on and on about the boy-who-lives, and it's been driving all of us Slytherin's crazy since the first year when you rejected his handshake. However, it has gotten worse. I thought we could maybe have some fun with this, however, a way of keeping any of us from drowning him in the lake if you will." she says her voice completely serious much to Harry's surprise. He looked at the Slytherin in front of him quizzically before speaking again. "Um, I don't know what to say to that. What do you expect me to do in this little scheme of yours? I would also like to add that there is no way Malfoy would talk about me of his own free will unless it was to make fun or plot some evil scheme." As he finishes, he attempts to erase the slight blush he knows is beginning to grow on his cheeks. A cunning and confidence filled smirk growing bigger on the Slytherin girls features. "Wanna bet Potter?" she asks, a daring look in her eye. The Slytherin in Harry begins to stir at the challenge. "Sure Parkinson, you're on." She smiles and pulls out a piece of parchment from her bag, scribbling a few words on it before handing the paper to the boy. "Here. If you say these words a number counter will appear and display anytime, he says your name in any form. Beware of what you're about to realize Gryffindor." She says, a knowing look taking over her features as she throws her long black hair over one shoulder and walks out of the room, leaving Harry to stare down at the paper with a weird feeling stirring in his stomach.

Walking into the Gryffindor common room, Harry flops down on one of the oversized chairs, his mind still on the parchment folded in his robe pocket. "Oi, Harry you alright there mate?" Ron says forcing Harry out of his trance, his head wiping toward the red head. "Sorry, I'm alright. I was just thinking about something from earlier." The redhead nods before turning back to his game of wizard chess with Seamus, who was sitting on Dean's lap next to the fire. "Hey, guys do you mind if I try this spell?" Harry asks the small group who were hanging out in the common room. They all turn towards Harry at his question; eyebrows quirked up as a response. Sighing the raven haired boy wiped a hand down his face before speaking. "I was cornered by Parkinson, and she told me something interesting, she also gave me this spell to prove her point." At the mention of the infamous Slytherin everyone's attention being drawn to him entirely, books and chess games momentarily forgotten. "What was her point?" Dean asked into the silent room. Harry let out another sigh, "She says that Malfoy talks about me nonstop, and apparently in a nice-ish way. I bet her that she was wrong, so she handed me this paper with a spell that will tell us every time he says my name." There were hums of acknowledgment throughout the room before Ron bursts out "Well on with it man! If nothing else it will give us the inside scoop into the Slytherin's nest if we ever need it." Harry nodded and took out the parchment along with his wand, casting the spell. When he finishes the words, a small screen appears above the fireplace along with what seems to be a score counter. As everyone's heads turn towards the screen, they realize that it is the Slytherin commons room and dorms. When nothing else seemed to occur after a few minutes, everyone turned back to their books and games, including Harry who pulled out his potions textbook and parchment, starting on a long night of essay writing.

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