Chapter Five

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Winlo stared at RiverEye. How long will this take?? “So, my power. Well Bloomri said you would help me..” WInlo clutched her bag, wait. MY BOOKS! “I think I know how to help you! Winlo threw her bag on the ground. “What was that noise?” Rivereye swifty turned her head. “My books, Their from Bloomri time, well, written from bloomri time.” RIverEye trotted over. “Books? Why would they tell me how to control my power?” Her blind eyes narrowed, Winlo shrunk back. “Well it’s the first thing I thought of…” RiverEye growled, “You don’t know anything about the Whisper spell!” WInlo bit back an insult. “Yes I do..” She said under her breath, she picked up her book and stuffed it into her bag. “Well since you know so much about it, you lead the way!” RIverEye snorted, “fine.” 
They both made their way down the floating islands of  ZIgl. Why did she have to be a part of this?! She thought of Bloomri. Not to say your decision was bad, well maybe it was. She shook her head. Winlo thought of her mother. Don’t think about her! She doesn't care about you anymore..

“How do we get down?” WInlo eyed RiverEye’s wingless body. 
RiverEye blinked. “Can you carry me?” WInlo shrugged and stretched her wings, she grasped onto RiverEye’s arms and tried to fly up, her limbs screamed to let go but she forced herself to carry RiverEye all the way down.
“Wow! I’m flying!” She smiled and Winlo smiled and shook it off. She’s related to the dragon who made the whisper spell, wait…if I’m related to Bloomri then… Winlo dropped RIverEye, she screamed and Winlo shut her eyes waiting for her to be flattened, instead she heard a splash and looked down, she sighed in relief.
“Sorry!!!” She dived down where RiverEye was hacking up water. “Be more careful!!!” She Shook herself. “Uh RiverEye..” Winlo hung onto her thought but her face darkened. “WHAT” RiverEye screeched. “Uhm..we may have fallen into a Tahious nest…” RiverEye turned pale. “It-it’s okay…uh, they keep the islands floating so…” A yowl echoed through the river. A dragon with a long snort and antlers growled and slithered out.
“Who dares?” It was a pale dragon; the ribs were outside of the body; its long snout shook as it growled. “We’re sorry.” RiverEye started, Winlo finished “We didn’t mean to fall into your nest! We’re deeply sorry.” RiverEye glared at her but looked back at the Tahiou. “Hmph, get out quickly” It sneered it jumped up and flew, Tahiou’s were magical dragons, they were able to fly without wings with their magic in their claws. Winlo bowed her head and sighed as she walked with RiverEye. “A while back I was trapped with fairy and centipede dragons!” She laughed awkwardly, “I've never met any of those.” Rivereye grumbled. 
“Wait.” Her thoughts from earlier came back into her mind.
“What?” RiverEye hissed. “If I’m related to Bloomri. I'm related to the dragon who made The Whisper Spell!” RiverEye blinked, “Wait, Bloomri told me it was my density to complete something.” Maybe we have to find the others..” 
“But how?” Winlo argued, “Numis, or Sunfire dragons won't be as friendly! And CrystalIce dragons don’t exist anymore!” Winlo shrieked in fear.
RiverEye growled. “Are you a pure Flame dragon?” Winlo shrank “no…” 
“Well then if we find a CrystalIce dragon, they won’t be pure.” 
RiverEye trotted fast.
“Hey, did Bloomri ever explain the dusty trail to you?”
RiverEye stopped. “The mission she was supposed to complete?” Winlo nodded.
“That's a myth! Many dragons believed it was just to scare her so Dinp, her “father” would get riches out of her or something like that…” Ugh, it can’t be that! 
Winlo noticed they were getting closer to the market 
“RiverEye…we can’t go here! I was captured by a Cactus dragon and brought to a hydra and almost died!” She whispered. RiverEye’s face softened. “Come on, we have the whisper spell, we will be fine, come on, if we were closer to the market we would be closer to the Sunfire palace!”
Like they would let us in..  

Winlo and RIverEye both strolled into the market, Winlo spotted a dragon shrieking that they were selling soup. How do they not lose their voices? “Winlo come on,” RiverEye said in a happy tone, Winlo was not happy. She kept looking for Cipu, the cactus dragon that kidnapped her earlier. 
“RiverEye we shouldn't be here! I’m a wanted CRIMINAL!” RiverEye turned her head, her blind eyes shone in the light. “And how did you become that?” WInlo laughed, “I kind of tried to steal a dragon's product.” RIverEye mumbled under her breath “great…” Winlo rolled her eyes and followed RIverEye. 
She spotted the huge red Sunfire dragon castle in the distance. How will we find the other three? 
RiverEye walked through the market without stopping. “Wait! We have to find the other three-” Winlo was knocked aside by a huge wing. 
“Ugh….owww….” She shook her head and looked up. EEK! IT'S THE DRAGON THAT I TRIED TO STEAL FROM!
“There you are, you little THIEF!” The female Sunfire dragon grabbed Winlo’s wings, Winlo yelped in pain, dragons turned their heads and watched.
A yowl echoed and RiverEye jumped on top of the Sunfire dragon and Clawed the thick wings, avoiding the toxic spines.
The Sunfire dragon grabbed RiverEye and slammed her to the ground. RiverEye went limp, Winlo shreeched and tried to slash at the dragon, in the corner of her eye she saw more Sunfire dragons fly toward them. We're doomed! The other Sunfire dragons landed and seized RiverEye’s limp body, they were guards for the Queen! Wasn't the queen Dinps daughter? Was he the heir to the throne before?
 “NO!” WInlo yelled as they took RiverEye away, a guard grabbed her wings and tied her legs together. “Great. More criminals! Hey, is this a dragon-kit?” The guard laughed and tied her to his back, avoiding his spines. “Alright, we’ll take care of her for you now.” He made a kind gesture to the female Sunfire dragon, she looked like she was going to explode in rage.

WInlo and RIverEye were trapped by the Sunfire dragons.

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⏰ Last updated: Mar 11, 2023 ⏰

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