part 8

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Ayanokoji pov

Ayanokoji walking into the special building because sudo and 3 student from Class C was there

He start recording just in case some thing happen when they stop he hide and his phone was recording everything

When he was recording he also saw a pink hair girl hiding there after sudo and class C student fight sudo and 3 class C student go to there dorm and the pink here girl also go to her dorm and

I follow the class C boys they were standing with Ryuen and class C sensei

Ryuen: so did it go did you do and you guys check there is no one near

3 class C: yes Ryuen we check it

Class C sensei: Ryuen make sure to not bite those 3 too much other wise student council will get suspicious on us

Ryuen: don't worry sensei I take care of that

After that  I go  to my room

Time skip tomorrow

I got up and see that I got 90000 point because month was done

Ichinose: Ayanokoji-kun do you know class d and C did not get any point today

Ayanokoji: no I don't know but how did you get that information

Ichinose: kushida was telling me that they did not get any point and class C also talking how they did not get any point

Ayanokoji: ( so just C and d did not get any point interesting what are you scamming Ryuen)

sensei come in

Chi-sensei: good morning students I have new

Ichinose: sensei what is the news

Chei-sensei: there is report that Class d student has badly injured the class C 3 student

Kanazaki: it sad but we can't do anything about this that there class matter which we will not able to help

Shibata: ya we can't do any thing and  oh yeah Ichinose-San what was the result of the student council did you get accepted

Ichinose: no I didn't get selected

Kanazaki: Ichinose-san do you know why you did not get selected

Ichinose: they said I was not good enough

Ayanokoji: sensei I have question

Chie-sensei: what is it kiyotaka-kun

Ayanokoji: can someone from different class join the hearing

Chie-sensei: no than can't join the hearing

Ayanokoji: can they join if they have evidence so then they can join or not

Chie-sensei: yes then they can kiyotaka-kun why are you asking

Ayanokoji: I was curious if I can join to see how it work

When lunch bell ring I  goes toward the class d

Ayanokoji: hirata I heard that class C was blaming sudo for betting class C three students

Sudo : bro it was self defense they were 3 guys

Ayanokoji: it is okay because I have a  proof

Sudo yelled you have a what

Ayanokoji: sudo I just said calm down

Hirata , Kusida , Horikita and some students from Class d come toward me

ayanokoji in class 1 b حيث تعيش القصص. اكتشف الآن