Harry's Day

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I have to sit through an interview pretending to be Louis. I can hopefully make it. I know Louis well. The tricky part is to try and talk like him. I mean, it's his voice, but the phrasing he uses and so on.

Before I get started Louis' publicist takes me to the side.
"Remember to think about how you sit. The wider the legs, the better, and watch out for that wrist." She says and smiles like what she just said isn't highly offensive.

I just stare at her in shock.
"Right, want to keep that gay wrist to myself." I snort.

She looks uneasy.
"That's not what I meant but you have to think about how you are perceived. We have blacklisted any questions about Harry so you don't have to worry about answering those."

"I don't have to worry? Right." I huff.

"I'm sorry. I'm just doing my job." She says and looks unhappy.

I sigh and nod my head. I knew that Louis has to play along just like I have to, but I had no idea that it's to this extent. He has to think about how he moves? How he sits? That's ridiculous!

I somehow get through the interview. I throw in a couple of "You know what I mean?" here and there and I think I'm doing a somewhat good job at answering the questions I receive. I talk a lot about Louis' music and how much fun he has on his tour with his new material because I know that's true.

When I get out of there Oli is waiting for me.
"I need to see the setlist, please."

"Please? Since when did you get so polite?" Oli chuckles.

"Give me the damn mother fucking shithole setlist." I say instead.

"Geez, no need to be a dick." Oli says.

"I'm sorry, Oli." I immediately apologize, feeling ashamed. I might have gone overboard with the swearing in my effort to mimic Louis. He's not rude, especially not to Oli.

"Are you sure that you're alright? You don't seem like yourself today." Oli says and gives me a worried glance.

That makes me burst out in a fit of giggles. If Oli only knew how right he is about that.
"I'm sorry, sleep deprived." I try to come up with a valid excuse.

He just looks more worried.
"I'm flying to New York first thing tomorrow to see L...ehm Harry. Do you think you could book me a plane ticket? As early as possible or as late as possible tonight? I mean, after the show." I say to change the subject.

"Of course!" Oli smiles. He immediately gets his phone out and starts typing.

"I didn't mean right this second." I chuckle.

He holds up a finger.
"There's a plane that leaves at midnight. I think you can make it if you leave right after the show is done."

"Book it." I smile.

"You two should really get a private jet." Oli says, sounding amused.

"That's not a bad idea. Look into it!" I grin.

"Alright " Oli agrees.

He makes sure that I have a set list as soon as we have reached the hotel. I dump Louis' suitcase on the floor and take a seat on the bed and read it. Oh shit, he's doing Little Black Dress. I haven't sung that in years! I take out Louis' phone. He gave me the password. I was right. It's related to me, or us actually. The date we got engaged. Why didn't I think of that? In my defense, I was pretty freaked out. Still am. What if we stay like this until we die? Am I supposed to walk around in Louis' body, pretending to be him? That will surely put me in a mental hospital. I love Louis and everything that he is but I like being me.

I find Spotify and play the song and sing along. Phew! I remember most of the lyrics. I listen to it on repeat until I know all of it. Then I check the list again and I go through all of the songs on it. Even if I sing in Louis' voice it doesn't sound the same. Louis always had this magical way of making his voice cry and break attentionally and even if I know the technique behind it he has always been a natural at it. That's one of the reasons his singing is so special. I'm doing a half-ass job at it.

Thankfully Louis and I are a big part of each other's song-composing process. We share ideas, and we're always the first ones to hear each other's songs. I know his songs almost as well as my own.

I eat something before I head to soundcheck. I sing Written All Over Your Face and it's a strange experience singing a song about how freaking petty I am when we argue. I can't believe he put that into writing. It's a great song though and it's nothing but the truth. No one is perfect.

I eat dinner with Oli and the band. They drink a couple of beers but I keep it strictly to water. I have to have a clear mind tonight if I'm gonna pull through. Louis' concerts are totally different than mine and definitely not in a bad way.
"You're so quiet, Louis. What's up?" The guitarist Michael asks and throws an arm around my shoulders.

"Tired. Stoked about the show though." I say.

Stoked isn't really the word I would use. Freaked out of my mind more like it. It's not the being on stage part. I love that nowadays. At the beginning of our careers, I had the worst stage fright. I've managed to overcome that. Sure, I get nervous but in a good way this feeling in the pit of my stomach, or Louis' stomach really, reminds me of the old days. So much can go wrong.

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