The Cheetah

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Titus POV:

It was the next day, I immediately went back into New World Online after I had my chores done and had breakfast.

I spawned into the Hub Town as usual, and I was just going to explore until seeing a player with a bow on his back having trouble dealing of what to buy. I then walk to him and said, "Hey, do you need some help choosing some gear?"

He then notices me and said, "Yes! Please help me! I'll appreciate it!" In a sorrow voice.


After helping him with getting the stuff he needed, he then was curious of how I got the armor I got.

"I'm curious, how did you get that armor?"

"Oh! This? I can show you how I got it."

We both then went to the same gate I went through and then the player then sees the Metal Pteranodon I fought the other day. He was in shock that I had to beat this thing in order to get the G1 Optimus Prime Armor.

I then beat the Pteranodon again and landed in front of him feet first.

"I- I don't what just happened." As he said still in shock.

"Yeah. You'll get use to it." As I rub my neck on my back.

"So... What's your name?" As he said curiously.

"My name is Optimus. What's yours?"

"The names Cheetor."

*TimeSkip Again*

Me and Cheetor came back to the Hub Town and added us as friends. And when we were just going to walk around, I then see a familiar black haired girl spawning in. I then at the top of my head it was Maple.

"Maple!" As I said waving at her.

She then notices me and waves back and walks towards me.

Maple POV:

I spawned right in and was going to wait for my friend Risa to join until I saw a familiar face, it was Optimus. I had no clue he was going to come back to the game after the first event, most players just quiet after that.

He was waving at me the moment I was here.

I walked toward him and noticed he had someone else with me. I then ask, "So, who's your new friend here?"

Optimus then said, "This is Cheetor. I met him while he was having trouble what to buy."

I then hear a voice that sounded like Risa and when I turned around, it was her.

"You're finally here!" In a cheerful voice.

3rd POV:

Maple then hugged Risa and Risa accidentally almost said Maple real name, but thankfully Cheetor and Optimus didn't hear it. Then Optimus now then realized that Maple was in her starter outfit.

Optimus then asked, "I'm confused. Why do you have your starter outfit on?"

"Oh! It's kinda because I'm being fair for my friend Sally here," said Maple.

"That make's sense," said Optimus.

"Is this the friend your were talking about?" asked Sally.

"Yep. This is Optimus. And this is his other new friend Cheetor," said Maple.

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⏰ Last updated: Aug 19, 2023 ⏰

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