Within the expanding realm, a tapestry of human-like amenities flourished: a movie theater, a mall, cozy cafes, restaurants, and even a library. The ghostly monarch foresaw not only Ghostwriter relishing in the library's embrace but also Mr. Lancer, who, constrained by his human form, could only linger in the Ghost Zone fleetingly, despite his somewhat liminal nature. Thus, Danny conceived a novel concept: a café fused with a bookshop in Amity, bridging the realms to cater to both humans and ghosts alike, ensuring a shared haven of enjoyment and enlightenment.

Danny entertained the idea of incorporating some more "adult" attractions into the realm but was a bit iffy. After careful consideration, the king unveiled Scarlet Street—a zone designed to cater to the desires of 'older ghosts', mirroring the enjoyment offered to their younger counterparts. Within this district lay three public bars, two nightclubs, two strip clubs, three restaurants, a BDSM dungeon, a burlesque club, a sex shop, and a brothel. Anchoring the street was a grand casino, promising excitement and luxury to its patrons.

Deliberately situated on the opposite side of the keep from the family-friendly venues, Danny ensured that entities like Youngblood and Box Lunch wouldn't stumble upon the risqué establishments and ask awkward questions.

𝘊𝘖𝘜𝘎𝘏... Moving on

Nestled at the heart of the bustling city stood its crowning jewel: the Phantom Stadium—admittedly, the name could use a touch of refinement, but let's move on. This grand arena served as the ultimate battleground for ghosts, ectoplasmic beings, and eldritch entities of all sizes and strengths, hosting duels and battles that ranged from the petite to the monstrous.

Feeling the weight of a particularly rough day? Or perhaps you've got some unresolved grievances with another spectral being? Look no further than the Stadium to unleash your pent-up frustration and settle scores.

Moreover, the Stadium doubled as a prime venue for electrifying concerts, offering an additional avenue for entertainment and cultural expression within the city.

Initially, there was a collective hesitation among the denizens of the Ghost Zone to venture into the newly established city, given its association with the king's Keep—a domain traditionally reserved as the ghostly monarch's lair. However, with reassurance and the "official" blessing from the ghost boy himself, any lingering doubts were swiftly dispelled, paving the way for an enthusiastic influx of visitors.

From the most ancient spirits to the newest arrivals, everyone found themselves immersed in the delights of Phantom's burgeoning city. Even the venerable Ancients were not immune to its charm, reveling in the diverse offerings it provided. For Danny, witnessing the joy and contentment of his subjects as they embraced their afterlives was a fulfillment of his deepest desires.

Amidst the widespread enjoyment, there remained the pressing matter of attending to accumulated paperwork—a task that had been neglected for far too long under Pariah's reign. The sheer volume of documents was nothing short of being fucking ridiculous. With the amount of paperwork, Danny honestly wanted to burn everything.

An astonishing two-thirds of the paperwork comprised grievances, showcasing ghosts' affinity for airing their dissatisfactions. Some complaints dated back millennia, allowing Danny to burn those. Among the most absurd was one lamenting the color of the sky in the Zone—Seriously!? Are you complaining about the sky being green? Burned. Goodbye.

Others were more durable. Reports surfaced detailing tensions between different sections of the Zone's populace, while others cited instances of perceived rudeness and intimidation from the royal knights dispatched by the Council to mediate disputes—a matter Danny resolved to address directly with Frighty. Additionally, a notable portion of the complaints pertained to his parents and the Ghost Zone's adversaries, the GIW, suggesting deeper underlying issues requiring his attention.

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