A strange land

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Ashley blacked out.
"Hiya darling!" Said a strange voice.
I couldn't quite make out who this person was, I could finally see I was lying on the sand all wet. The sand was sticking to me, I felt so gross. I slowly got up.

"Who are you?" Ashley said

"You don't know who I am? I am Captain Hook!"

"Captain Hook Captain Hook why does that name sound so familiar. Wait WHAT! Your Captain Hook! No impossible wait were am I and". Ashley got cut off.

"Okay okay slow down man you have a lot of questions. Said Captain Hook.
Okay don't freak out but your in never land". Said Captain Hook.

"I'm in never land no way this is totally a joke right? Sasha come on I know your out here. Sasha? Sasha? Oh know this isn't a joke is it".

"Nope it's real never land".

"Follow me". Said Captain Hook.

Ashley followed him into a a big hollow tree.

"Here this is my son Alex he will tell you what's happened here". Said Captain Hook.

Ok? Said Ashley

Alex turned around to face Ashley.

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