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Hey everyone!

Here's a oneshot I've been working on for the past couple of days.

I hope you like it! Let me know what you think!

Happy reading!
Nat xx

Ps follow me on Twitter if you don't already @thunderstorms92

'All of us,' Jughead said seeing the judgemental looks on his friends faces, 'we were all sent back in time.'

As the group looked at each other he could tell not one of them believed him and he was becoming frustrated. How could he remember who he really was, but no one else could?

'So what you are telling us, is that we're all from the future and we're friends?' Cheryl asked. 'I'm not sure which of your delusions is worse.'

Jughead could see he was fighting a losing battle, he had no proof and if he were honest he didn't know how he'd react if someone told him he was from a different timeline.

'Tell us something... about ourselves,' Toni said.

'All right,' Jughead said. 'I just need you all to keep an open mind. Can you do that?'

'Jughead...' Archie said.

'I need you to do that otherwise I'm wasting my time.'

'I'm sorry man, I just don't believe in any of this stuff.'

Jughead let out a breath as Archie left the room followed by Cheryl, Betty and Kevin. Toni remained where she was though, she'd always believed in crazy theories and she had to admit Jughead had gotten her attention.

And as grateful as Jughead was that Toni stayed he needed someone with higher status in the school to believe him. If the people here had anything in common with their former selfs he knew he had the perfect information to possibly convince his target.

'Cheryl! Wait!'

The redhead turned around with one of her eyebrows raised in annoyance, 'what do you want?'

'I need to talk to you in private. Please, just give me five minutes.'

He half expected her to say no, but when she kissed Archie's cheek he knew she was going to at least hear him out. Although seeing Cheryl and Archie together was uncomfortable and weird and if they ever did get back to their Riverdale he knew exactly how she'd react.

'I thought you said you wanted to talk to me privately?' Cheryl said as she stepped back into the room, her eyes falling on Toni who scrunched up her nose at the redheads comment.

'I need to speak to the two of you together,' Jughead said shutting and locking the door behind him. This conversation wasn't going to be easy and he didn't want either one of the girls to bolt. 'Take a seat and we'll get started.'

Cheryl reluctantly did as he asked and so did Toni whilst Jughead sat in the chair at the other side of the desk clearing his throat.

'So Cheryl, Toni, how well do the two of you know each other?'

'I thought you were going to tell us about-'

'I will Toni, I just wanted to know how well the two of you know each other here.'

'We don't,' Cheryl said sharply.

'Right,' Jughead said rubbing his hands together. 'Well I guess what I'm about to say to you may come as a shock and believe me when I say I'm not into outting people, but this is necessary so forgive me.'

'What are you talking about Jones?'

'Where I'm from you and uh, Cheryl were lovers in high school.'

'I'm sorry?' Toni said. 'Lovers?'

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