It was three weeks later at the River House that Feyre handed a letter over to Emelia.

"You don't have to read it," she began cautiously, "but I promised Helion I would give it to you."

Emelia raised her eyebrows as she took the letter, her name scrawled out in fine, looping handwriting on the envelope. It didn't take much effort for her to put together who had written to her. She opened the envelope and unfolded the letter within it.


I find myself wildly uncertain that you'll have any inclination to read this at all, but I've not stopped thinking about the way everything turned out in Velaris. I understand completely if my apology means nothing to you, but I sincerely apologize for any discomfort I caused you. I understand that my attention was unwelcome and will refrain from any advances in the future should our paths ever cross again. I recognize that my apology may be of little value, but I hope your opinion of me is not too soured.

Well wishes, Helion.

She stared at it for a few moments, reading it over twice.

"If I write back, will you have it sent to him?" she requested finally, tucking the letter back into the envelope.

"Of course," Feyre answered with a nod, trying not to show how surprised she was.

"Without reading it?"

"Without reading it."


Another two weeks later, Helion had a sealed envelope in hand. His name was written in neat, precise letters. He was almost entirely certain that if he took out a measuring stick, each letter would be exactly the same distance apart. He carefully cut the envelope open and pulled out the letter, unfolding it. The letter was as neat and evenly spaced as his name on the envelope had been.


I appreciate your apology as well as the fact that you cared enough to apologize at all. I would like to assure you that any guilt you feel regarding our interactions is entirely unnecessary. With extremely good intentions but horrid planning, my High Lady and High Lord took it upon themselves to encourage your interest when they were both aware they should have done the opposite.

Please, consider all to be forgiven and, should we meet again, I would gladly meet as friends.

Warm regards, Emelia.

He read the letter over a total of four times before he found himself grabbing a fresh sheet of paper and beginning another letter.


Emelia had another envelope in hand, her name written in that same dramatic, pretty handwriting, every letter bleeding into the next.

"Are you going to open it or just stare at it?" Azriel asked, voice tinged with amusement.

"I'm still debating that," she replied with a shrug. "I can't imagine what else there is to say."

"Only one way to find out," Azriel reasoned, earning a sigh from her. She cut the envelope open and took out the letter, unfolding the paper.


Rhysand and Feyre are my closest friends outside of my own Court, but I am entirely unsurprised that they knowingly encouraged a bad idea, with the absolute best of intentions of course. They are both lovely, but they get a little tunnel vision when they decide something will be good.

I fully agree that I would be glad to meet again as friends. In the spirit of that hope, I'd like to extend an invitation to you. Rhysand and Feyre will be attending a party in my Court in two month's time. I'd like it if you came along as well. You're welcome to bring Azriel as a plus one if you'd like. I was originally going to invite the entirety of the group anyway.

Do not feel pressured to go if you're not inclined to do so, and there is no rush on your decision.

(Platonically) Yours, Helion.

Emelia laughed at the closing, and Azriel plucked the letter from her and read it over himself.

"I'm almost certain he still believes you and I have a secret relationship," Azriel remarked as he handed it back, "do you plan to accept his invitation?"

"Will you be my plus one in case the party is entirely insufferable?" she asked, eyes scanning over the letter again.

"Of course," he agreed to it easily, "in the spirit of friendship, as the High Lord said."


The party was in two weeks now, and Helion finally got a response letter from Emelia. He didn't know why he was nervous to open it, but he was. After putting it off for nearly an entire day, he finally opened it.


I apologize for the delayed response. My first response letter, unfortunately, never made it out of the Night Court and it took me an unreasonable amount of time to realize that.

In regards to your invitation, I would love to attend a party in your Court. Azriel has also agreed to attend as my plus one. We both thank you for your gracious invitation and look forward to seeing you soon.

Best wishes, Emelia.

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