A Worn Path

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 Lurien and Ahlma walked down the path toward the White Palace among the rest of the crowd. Some were faithful commoners, others were tiered travelers. Although there were many other bugs present, they seemed to be putting distance between themselves and Lurien. Almost as if an invisible wall kept them away. Lurien sighed, holding onto the painting he had made. Lurien looked over to Ahlma, who had adorned her mother's cloak, a pale white one, that was made with shining silk from Deep Nest and her usual small, white mask which only covered her eyes. She had also pulled her hair up into a small bun, with braids leading up to it on either side of her head. She usually dressed up when visiting the King, most everyone did. They usually adorned white to represent the Pale King's glow out of respect. Lurien on the other hand, never whore white. He didn't think it matched well with his dark complexion, but he did adorn a broach made from pale ore. An expensive, rare metal found deep underground. The path to the King's palace was worn and unlevel. With all of the travelers it was no wonder it looked so disheveled. Of course not all travelers meant well. There were some from tribes and kingdoms that rejected his pale rule. Lurien didn't understand why they held a distaste for the king. He seemed to hold all of the answers for all of their problems. He raised them from mindless husks, wallowing in pity and untouched by the glow of refinement. With his powerful mind he blessed them with intellect, curiosity, and meaning.

Ahlma cleared her throat, catching Luriens attention.

"Sir, there's a rather strange looking bug walking down the path behind us." she whispered looking forwards. Lurien turned a bit, trying to catch a glimpse of this so-called strange bug. There, shuffling along with the others, was a portly fellow. His eyes were a gleaming orange color that Lurien had never seen before. He seemed uncomfortable in his own skin, his arms dropped limply by his side. Lurined looked away, facing forwards again. It wasn't uncommon for unwell bugs to seek help from the king, pleading with him to cure their fatal ills and wounds.

Lurien turned back around, "Another sad soul searching for a solution." he sighed. As they crossed the bridge, long, spiked, skittering creatures rustled about below. They poured in from the Nest unclaimed, a den of darkness and death. Guards hovered above holding spears and swords high, ready for what dangers may cross. As the path narrowed, the long winding snake of followers grouped closer and closer together.

The tunnels inward towards the palace looped and crossed with others, creating a tangled mess of paths. One path that led downwards was cut off by guards and engineers. Lurien and Ahlma walked past them curiously. There had never been a hole there before, perhaps a cave in? A gleaming palace shone brightly, its tall menacing nature coupled with the elegance of construction and glow. Guards stood ready at the entrance, holding giant swords, almost as big as the wielder. They cut off civilians, peasants and beggars from reaching any further, only allowing servants, prophets, and of course Lurien and Ahlma. One beggar managed to run past them, sprinting with all of his might towards the entrance. He shoved past Ahlma, pushing her towards the ground. Hidden soldiers flew down from heights unknown, pinning the man to the ground. Lurien hoisted Ahlma up onto her feet as she dusted herself off.

"The nerve of some people, desperate." She huffed, fixing her robes, glaring at the man as he was escorted out of the gates. Lurien watched his expression, he seemed ill, and pale. Almost like the man before the bridge, but more, alive in a way. Not as far gone. He shook his head, forgetting of the man, and walked towards the palace doors with Ahlma.

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⏰ Laatst bijgewerkt: Mar 10, 2023 ⏰

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