Start from the beginning

But I have to let it go. For the sake of my father.

I had to let him rest in peace.

* * *

Lucius wakes, sitting up in his bed and looking around. He sighs tiredly, about to go back to sleep when he feels a horrible feeling in his gut.

Like something bad is about to happen.

He stands, walking to his door and he realises he is fully dressed, in his usual robes. He frowns in confusion, opening his door and walking down the hallway.

He goes to Draco's room, entering and expecting to see his son fast asleep.

But the room is empty.

He frowns, leaving and going down the stairs, looking through the house for something. Anything.

But the house is empty too.

"Milly!" He shouts, but there is no answer. "Sarah!"

Again, he is met with silence.

He walks slowly to the staircase, ascending each step slowly, when he hears a noise. Muffled voices from upstairs, getting louder.

He sees his wife in the hallway, walking past in silence.

"Sarah," he says under his breath, running up the stairs and going after her.

He stops abruptly in the corridor, looking around for her when he hears another sound.


He listens to Sarah's voice, his blood starting to boil when he hears his name. Then he freezes, wondering...

Was he in this house?

Lucius sees the light spill from Sarah's room, her door slightly ajar. He listens to her moans, mumbled but still audible.

Slowly, he approaches the room, swinging open the door and he pauses.

His hands clench into fists with fury as he stares at the sight before him.

Sarah sits on her bed, every inch of her skin bare as she pins Theo to the headboard, straddling his naked body. Lucius watches as she caresses his face lovingly, staring into his eyes. "I love you, Theo," she whispers, leaning forward to kiss him and he kisses her back, his hands sliding up her back as he holds her close. "I love you too, Sarah."

Lucius's face contorts into a look of pure anger as he steps forward, going to lunge at the man when he falls through the floor, twisting and turning helplessly and he vanishes through the endless abyss, finally landing harshly upon the ground.

He opens his eyes, the sunlight shining in them as he blinks quickly, rapidly sitting up in shock, looking around at his surroundings.

He frowns, confused as he finds himself in the manor garden, laying in the grass. He stands up, breathing heavily as he walks forward, the manor coming into sight.

He stops a few metres away, watching in silence as Sarah opens the front door, stepping outside into the sunlight, breathing in the fresh air. She smiles, looking down at the baby boy she holds in her arms, lifting him up and laughing in delight, the look of pure happiness on her face.

The baby giggles, reaching out for a wisp of dandelion fluff that glides through the air. He catches it in his tiny hand, giggling as he shows his mother. "Mama!"

Sarah holds her baby's hand, kissing it sweetly as he opens his fist, the dandelion gliding through the air once more.

Lucius watches the scene before him, a small smile playing on his lips as she brings the baby to her chest, holding him tightly.

He steps forward, about to go to her when he sees Theo step out from behind her, a smirk on his face. He places his hand on her shoulder, causing her to turn and she grins in delight, kissing him softly.

"Dada!" The baby shouts, stretching out his arms for his father to pick him up. Theo chuckles, taking the baby from Sarah and cuddling him as she rubs their son's back, laughing contently.

Lucius feels a stab to the heart as he stumbles back, his eyes fixed upon the family before him, their laughter ringing out loudly from all around him.

He takes another step backwards, slipping and he finds himself falling again, but this time it doesn't end...

* * *

Lucius awakes with a gasp, sitting up in his bed as he breathes heavily, beads of sweat sliding down his face.

He turns, looking at the clock on his side table - 5:32 am.

He pulls his hair out of his face, realising it was all a dream.

And yet, the stabbing pain resides in his heart, the longing and heartbreak still as fresh as ever.

Bound By Honour (Lucius Malfoy) *COMPLETED*Where stories live. Discover now