Songs Never End Once Placed In The Heart

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I slip on my strappy gold flats and pause in front of the mirror for effect. They match my glittery, gold, knee length dress with off-the-shoulder straps and v-cut neckline.

I run into the living room in search of my clutch. I hate having to carry it, but it matches the outfit.

As I dig through the pile of papers on my desk, which I need to get around to organizing, I hear knocking at my door.

"Open!" I yell, dropping on my hands and knees to check under the couch.

"Hi," Hunter greets me, peeking around the corner of the entryway. "Oh no, what have we lost this time?"

I stand, careful not to lean on my dress as I get up. "Just my stupid purse thing that matches this dress." I wave my hand over myself. Eyes franticly searching for the bag.


I glance over at Hunter to find him fixated on me. A rush of pure joy runs through me, happy he approves. I do have to admit, I look pretty good. I had professional help to tame my hair and correctly paint my face.

I do a small turn for him, "Alright?" I ask, meeting his eyes.

Hunter tries to let out a whistle but it comes out like a rasp. "You look beautiful, as always."

I can't help but laugh. "If I look beautiful always I wouldn't have to spend a small fortune to get myself ready for tonight."

This comment earns me an eye roll.

"Ahh!" I shriek, pulling the clutch out from a under a stack of books on one of my bookshelves. "Found it!"

I secure a few small items in the bag. No notebooks tonight. I still can't believe I am attending the CMA's!

Hunter looks suave in his form-cut suit, which emphasizes his shoulders and chest. "You look handsome. Went with the bow tie I see."

"Yeah well, I'm already regretting it," he says, fiddling with it, "it's cutting off my circulation. Glad you went with flats. I am already going to be shorter than most everyone there."

I cross the room to straighten it. He chuckles as I smooth out his collar and I smile at him.

"Ready?" I ask him.

"One second."

He grabs my hand and takes me over to the couch, we sit side by side, my hands are still held in his. I see amusement in his eyes and I am going to say something, but he starts talking.

"I wanted to tell you a story."

I grin, "really Hunter. But we're going to be late."

"It'll just take a minute, we've got plenty of time."

"Okay, shoot."

"Well, almost 2 years ago, I walked into a tiny Diner on the edge of a tiny town in the middle of a giant snow storm.

I have no idea where he is going with this. It's our story, I already know it, but I nod.

"Where I met this amazing, frazzled waitress. She was kind, and passionate, and had big dreams for her future."

I blush and look down.

"This girl mesmerized me. But I was too stupid to get either her name or her number... I left that night thinking she was gone forever," his eyes take on that sad look, giving me a pang of pain right in the center of my heart.

"Thankfully, I spotted her at a concert half way across the country 6 months later. Then I chased her down with my tour bus." He says the last part in a rushed sigh and looks at me wearing a look of amusement.

I laugh at his humor, and he joins in.

"So, I finally get her name but I still couldn't work up the nerve to get her number. Again, I decided that I just had to forget her. I tried to move on."

I think of Libby with a surge of gratitude. I've learned that she knew about Hunter's feelings for me long before even Hunter realized what he felt. At first I felt guilty, but she's reassured me many times since then that she holds no grudge. And that she is happy for us.

"And, I still don't know what dumbfound luck must have struck me when, I met this beautiful, bright eyed girl working in a Starbucks just a few miles away from my recording studio. Who then..."he pauses for effect, "proceeds to become best friends with my girlfriend."

I can't help but flinch a little. I bite my tongue, holding back asking why he is telling me this.

"Who set her up with an up and coming country music artist. I really couldn't understand why that got under my skin so bad. And I couldn't believe it when he broke her heart. I still thought the chance would never come, that we couldn't both be free at the same time, that she could never feel the same way about me." His eyes grow misty and I am fighting back tears in my own eyes.

"But it happened, and it took months of agonized torment to work myself into telling you how I felt."

At that he stands up and goes to grab something off of the floor by the entry way. He must have brought it in, I hear a paper bag crinkle.

"I was wondering if you would sign this for me?"

He crosses back across the room and hands me a book.

'She's My Favorite Song by: Eliza Helget.' The cover art looks fantastic, but the words inside are all mine. I look at Hunter in wonder. With delays on printing the book wasn't supposed to come out until next week.

"How did you...?"

"I pulled some strings, when you told me you couldn't wait to see it... I decided to get it to you now."

I am stunned. I open it and page quickly through it. My novel. My eyes threaten to spill over.

"Hey now," Hunter holds up a finger at me. "I might not think you need makeup but I know you must want it to stay on, after how much you paid for it."

I smile at him. "Thanks Hunter."

"One more thing, you asked me before if you looked alright... and you do, but I think you're missing one thing." He kneels down in front of me, and takes my hand. "Eliza, you are amazing. You make me see life in a completely new and exciting way. Say yes and I promise you'll never be alone again. Marry me?"

I stare at him in shock and disbelief. A small sound escapes my throat and then I am laughing. I throw my arms around Hunter, nearly knocking him over.

"Yes!" I exclaim, "yes."

He drags me up with him as he stands, then I bounce excitedly as he slips a ring on my finger. A small, gold band with a heart-shaped diamond embedded in the center.

"I love you," He tells me as I hug him again.

"I love you," I reply squeezing hard.

He pulls me away just far enough so he can look into my eyes. "Eliza, you are beautiful." He then pulls me in and kisses me so deeply I feel like I might drown.  "Shall we?" He asks after we pull apart.

I still cling to him, head spinning and eyes closed. He is my reality, he is my constant. With him I am strong, I am weak, I am me. Hunter loves every aspect of who I am and I feel the same way about him. "Yes, let's get going." I agree after a minute.

I take his arm and we exit the apartment and walk down to the car. I'm elated. Hunter's up for entertainer of the year and best male vocalist. He deserves them both.

And later, when all of Hunter's fans see me, see my ring, I am going to cause a lot of heartbreak, a lot of excitement. But I don't care. I'm just living, and it if this is my life, then "it don't get better than this."


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