8 Your First Fight

Start from the beginning

"You looked tasty, get over it." The black side of Zetsu responded. "_____, I'm sorry, but you look really tasty sometimes." The white half said, trying to be nicer than the other half of him.

"So what? That doesn't excuse being an asshole to me all the time."

"I'm sorry." At the same time black side of Zetsu said "I'm not sorry."

"See that's what I'm talking about. It's either you love me and treat me respect, or you hate me and disrespect me all the time. I get you are practically two different people, but I thought you both cared about me." You spun around and ran out of the garden. You didn't want to hear them any further and you didn't need to be eaten. You were so upset but you refused to cry over them.


Sasori was always in his workshop. Sure it was in town and you were mostly always there with him, but it wasn't what you wanted. He would always be working on a puppet. He hardly ever gave you his full attention. It upset you, but you did understand that it is just how he is. That didn't stop you from feeling like you were missing him, even though he was a few feet away from you.

Today was yet another day of the same thing. You were in the workshop with Sasori, but he was completely focused on a puppet. You were actually jealous of the puppets by now. You just sat there and sighed. It seemed like he caught onto your sadness and decided to take a break from his puppet.

"What's wrong _____?" Sasori asked, turning around to face you.

"It's nothing, don't worry." You smiled a very fake smile at him.

"That is a fake smile. You are lying to me."

"I just am a little sad is all." You looked down at the ground.


"You might be here, but it doesn't feel like you are here when you are looking at the puppets."

"I am working on puppets. This is my workshop. What else would I do here?"

"Well why am I here then? All I do is come here and watch you. Believe me, I love watching you, but I'd also love to talk with you and do things with you."

"My puppets need fixing before my next battle."

"Then enjoy fixing them alone. Come and find me when you are ready to put down the puppets to spend time with me." You got up and left. Part of you wished he'd come after you, but you knew he wouldn't do that. You had to walk home in the dark all alone.



It's been a month since you and Itachi first started dating. You have loved every minute of it, but there was one problem. You showed Itachi affection, but he was about as affectionate as a cold dead fish. It was starting to upset you because no matter what you did, he just wouldn't be affectionate with you. You've tried to bring it up before, but he would pretend to listen and then tell you that he had a mission right before disappearing.

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