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"You know what would be good right now?" Vanessa ask me.

I lower down the music and turn toward her knowing she would say it anyway.

"Chocolate would be good right now"

I chuckle and look out toward the cars as she drove on.

"Come on I'm serious, so I declare we take a detour for ice cream"

"You had me at Ice cream, so where to?" I ask her.

"Westland mall"

"You want to go all the way down there just for ice cream?" I shook my head. "And I wonder why you're older than me"

"Not just for Ice cream sheree, but for shopping as well, come on we're out for the summer, ad least while we're there we can go shopping"

I roll my eyes. "Fine"

I scoff and took the clothes out of her hands. "I am not wearing that" I place the crappy outfit back on the rack.

"You haven't even tried it on" she whine.

"Just by the design and color it's ugly"

"Fine" she said. I look through more rack for an outfit. I smile as I saw this Pink Michael kors shirt. My phone ping. I took it out and smile as I saw another Carson Lueders Notification. He has another video cover coming out soon.

"Hey Vanessa guess what?" I said.

"What?" she ask me.

"carson Lueders is going to have a new video cover out soon" I smile and clutch my phone tightly.


I turn toward her quickly. "You know Carson Lueders...... awesome voice...... adorable..... he's thirteen....cutest youtuber" I groan as she didn't have any clue.

I pull up a picture of him. She smile. "Aww he's adorable"

"I know right" I sigh

My eyes widen at the amount of clothes she is holding. "is all that for you?"

She smile. "Nope for you"

She grab my hand and push me into the dressing room. She dump all the clothes on me and close the curtains. "You better try all of them on or we are not leaving this store"

I sigh and look toward the bundle of clothes that was on the bench. You know how they say clothes make the man, well these clothes are not me.

"So what's next?" I ask Vanessa.

She remove the spoon from her mouth. "Well I was thinking we go over to your house and just chill"

I chew on the cookie bits that was in my mouth. "Yeah sounds good"

"Great, now after we finish this, we can go home"

I glare at Vanessa as I place the last shopping bag on my bed. She lay down on the heart bean bag and sigh.

"What?" she ask me.

"How much clothes did you buy?" I ask her

She check her phone. "You mean how much clothes did I chose for you?"

I roll my eyes. "Yeah, yeah, whatever, how much did you spend on me?"

She took off her sandals. "You mean how much did Joseph spend on you?"

My eyes widen. "Excuse me?"

She held out my dad credit card. "I believe that was the best thing I ever did for you"

I snatch the card out her hand. I look back toward the card and her. "Oh my god! How much?"

"You know shopping dose-

"How much?!" I repeated.

She sigh. "You shouldn't care how much, just know that was the best shopping trip ever"

I groan and fell back onto the bed. "I'm dead, dad won't ever let leave the house with you again or worse, he might ship me off to the Philippines to grandma! Lord knows her teas are disgusting, Vanessa what are we going to do?"

She got off the bean bag. "This is what we're going to do, you're going to give me the card, and I'll hand it to Joseph saying I spent it on a present for you"

I frown. "He won't believe that"

She grab the card from my hand. "We'll see about that" she open my room door. "Oh Joseph!"

I follow after Vanessa as she ran down the stairs. Dad exit the Kitchen with mom on his back.

"Yeah Vanessa?"

My eyes widen.

"here you go" she hand him the card. He frown. As he glare at Vanessa. Oh no here it comes.

"How much?" he ask her.

"Well you know shopping doesn't come with a price, it's all about the bonding...."

I roll my eyes. Oh lord, here comes the tears. I watch as fake tears roll down her face. She pull me closer to her in a one arm hug.

"You see this... we had fun... we learn.... This is our last summer together-"

"Vanessa you realize we'll still see each other this fall"

She glare at me and tilt her head toward my father.

"Now as I was saying before I was interrupted.... Shopping gives us bonding time.... We need this bond to move clo-

The oven timer interrupt Vanessa speech. Joseph breathe a sigh of relief and walk toward the kitchen. Vanessa smile at me and led me toward the backyard. She smile as she lean back against a tree.

"Well my plan work"

I frown. "How it work, I could be grou-

"sheree I'm glad you had fun, now if you ever want to go shopping again, I'll loan you the card" dad yell to us.

I look back toward Vanessa. Who had a smug smile on her face.

I frown. "we have a month before the bill arrives"

She groan. "you worries to much, now let's go in for dinner because I smell pasta Alfred-

"Vanessa Antoine! How the hell do you spend this Ludicrous amount on shopping?!" dad yell.

"On second thought why don't we just head to Wendy's I want a Baconator combo"

I roll my eyes as we walk toward the back gate that leads to the front.

The external link will lead you to sheree and vanessa's outfits

Neighbors Or More(Carson Lueders) (DISCONTINUED)Where stories live. Discover now